Also remember that ARB has a specified engineer (Daniel B) in Aussie that works on nothing but their Air Lockers. He has brought some amazing changes to the air locker scene in the last few years and the fact he can have a locker on the market fast shouldn't be considered a slight. The have a separate team that works on bumpers, suspensions, etc... can't hold it against one for getting something out faster than the next
Most of my snark stems from driving down to ARB USA in Renton back in March, talking to a room full of guys about the TE that I had sitting outside in their parking lot, offering up my brand new TE for whatever measuring, testing, and inspection they wanted, and being told that ARB wouldn't be doing anything specific for the 4Runner because it was a North American model only.
Three days later, I get a reply (to an email I sent to ARB corporate the same day of my visit requesting any information) that ARB is going to be testing an Air Locker in a few days but that nothing else will be available for at least 9 months.
Now, am I bitter about my offer being blown off? Not really, but it was annoying to get the brush off. What has really ticked me off was to be fed bull**** rather than them just saying "Hey, we know an air locker is getting tested in a few weeks, but anything else is going to have to wait." No one likes being lied to, especially not customers.
Will SR5 and Limited owners want an air locker? Some of them, certainly. As they are usable on more than just the North American 4Runner, it makes sense for ARB to see if the one they have works or can be modified to work for other model in the platform. But the first product available is something that very few people have voiced a desire for when discussing aftermarket products, rather than say a front bumper, a roof rack, rock rails, or other things that fit universally and are being demanded by owners across all 3 trim lines.
ARB makes great stuff and
I am not claiming otherwise. They just lost my business with the way they treated *this* potential customer. I will buy my RTT from (probably) Gordigear, my fridge will be an Engle, my roof rack is being made by Perkins Performance, my sliders, bumpers, air compressors, etc., will all come from other vendors that sponsor this forum (including the OP) rather than the one stop shopping that I had hoped for with ARB. C'est la vie.