took possession of the trailer yesterday on the way home from work! about a week and half early. what a nice surprise. somehow I got so excited I failed to get a picture of it before I stowed it away in the garage and started pulling off the interior plywood walls to begin insulating the walls.
-first impressions: again, this is a Mirage 5x8 trailer.
-construction seems very solid and quality.
-removing the plywood walls is a pain, they use barbed nails that have a Philips head on them. they do not back themselves out, just spin. really just a nail with a Philips head. so had to strategically "pry" the plywood off and pulls the heads through then pull the nails out with a pry bar. all the plywood came off in tact so I will just use some slightly larger diameter screws with a nice pan head on them to re-attach.
-RV side door is really quality. all aluminum framed with good seals all around.
-interior has a LED light in it that has a switch next to the RV door and a switch on the lamp. of course this only runs when the trailer is hooked up to the truck and the lights are on. I will rewire this to the on board power this weekend.
-roof vent is a little flimsy and sticks up probably 4 plus inches above the roof line. not nearly as low profile as the ones used on FWC. probably run power over to it and replace with a powered vent in the future.
-the trailer has fold down stabilizers in the back. when full extended the trailer sits really level when the front jack is all the way out. really stable.
pictures to come in the next few days as the mod's begin. really need to pull it back out and get a "before" shot.