6 days in the desert


Amazing ... just took the time to read through this, after stumbling upon a link you posted somewhere else (maybe in the Ujoint thread?) a few weeks back. I'm just blown away by the photos. Like the poster above, I'm also curious how much post processing they have ... doesn't take away from the final product, for me. I'm really just curious.

The bus is pretty impressive, as well ... I seem to remember it getting a post or two in the Ujoint thread, glad to see it getting used as intended! Bummer about the wheel stud, hopefully it didn't put too much of a damper on the quick trip.


Beautiful photos, you really nailed it! That's an area I'd love to go explore someday. I like your bus too. Where in Vegas do you live? I'm in Henderson.

We don't actually live in Vegas, we are just here for the winter. We're leaving in about 6 days. We sold our house outside of Denver last year and needed a place to stay for the winter in our RV, so Vegas seemed like a good fit. We found a great RV resort called the Oasis at the far south end of the strip.


Thanks for all the comments again everyone, I'm glad to see you're enjoying it.

As far as my photo processing goes, 95% of it is done in Adobe Lightroom. I shoot a lot of tough lighting scenes, but I use a few different graduated neutral density filters to try to get the lighting as even as possible in camera. That being said, I definitely use multiple exposures and blend them in Photoshop if needed. I'm not the fastest PS guy though, and in my current situation I don't have a large second monitor to work off of, so for example I have a number of shots from Antelope Canyon that I probably won't get around to processing until next year. Scenes like that have such a huge dynamic range that it's really the only way to make them look right.


Gary Haupt
The broken lugs and spacer...I am sort of researching this for my 24ft C. Is this an issue you have had before and did you swap out the broken studs right there/then?


Gary Haupt
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Nice rig Gary! It's not an issue I had run in to before. Since everything else looked good, I just mounted the wheel back up and made it home on 7 lugs. When I got home I got everything fixed. I've since slowed it down on the dirt roads and have had no other issues.


New member
I was all over last week, from Sedona to riding WRIAD (White Rim in a Day) on mtn bike in Canyonlands. I saw you on the road somewhere, I'm thinking between Monticello and Moab maybe, but hadn't previously seen your rig here on XP. It is an impressive/menacing looking beast on the road.


Awesome. I hope you enjoyed your trip. You probably saw me someplace between Page, AZ and Farmington, NM. I didn't have time to head north on my last trip unfortunately.

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