Rendezvous Conspiracy
I was thinking about the wasted space under the Baja rack for the AT Horizon and wanted to see if a 6ft folding table would fit. After some measurements I had to raise the rack at least a 1/4 inch to do my project. The table would slide under the rack but I did not want to slide it on the top of the main box lid and mar the paint.I cut aluminum 1/4 inch spacers and drilled to rasie the rack, purchased some L metal aluminum 1/16 thick for the side slides and flat cross brackets,1/8 inch for the verticle mounts. Made a box frame if you want to call it that and mounted that to the Baja racks horizontal bars with ss 1\4 bolts and nuts. Painted everything gloss black and used a ss 1/4 rolled bar to hold the table in place so it does not slide out while in transit and used cotter pins to hold it tight. All hardware was aluminum the frame is held together with ss rivits. I have a nice mount to slide the table in and out for quick set up and utilized some wasted space. And nothing touches the main box except two small foam pads where the table slide out of at the end.Any thoughts.
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