So it has been a few months, how is it doing?I've got a DBR2500 on order, $88 with the discount code. Looking forward to retiring the messy HT adapted to mobile arrangement I've been running.
Works fine. I don't chat a ton but usually have it scanning whenever I'm in the truck, get good signal reports when I ask nicely.So it has been a few months, how is it doing?
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No picket-fencing?Works fine. I don't chat a ton but usually have it scanning whenever I'm in the truck, get good signal reports when I ask nicely.
It looks like it's about 20 bucks cheaper than the Anytone model on amazon. : AnyTone AT-778UV Dual Band Transceiver Mobile Radio VHF/Uhf Two Way Amateur Radio : Car Electronics : AnyTone AT-778UV Dual Band Transceiver Mobile Radio VHF/Uhf Two Way Amateur Radio : Car
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