A little help....................
Hello All,
Here is the final installment of my trip--the Day 12 Trip Report.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u... Strip April 2017/10. 60 Gallons--Day 12.pdf
It covers the leg from SB Point to the end of 65 Gallons, about 15 miles shy of Fredonia. I was able to include some drone shots of SB Point, and I put in a lot of GPS data with screen shots from Garmin Basecamp.
Bruce Boogaard
Nice write up, but better the actual trip and all you experienced. Glad you could do it!
In reading your trip report, the part about a possible future trip where you would travel down from Mesquite or River Road to the Grand Wash Bay, Tassi Ranch and then over to either the Grand Gulch Mine or the Savantic Mine trail up to the top of the Grand Wash Cliffs, I noted that you show in Pink a trail from Tassi Ranch over to the Grand Gulch Canyon. You label it "Grand Gulch Mine Start 1" The Park Service has closed all these trails from the lower Grand Wash Bay and Tassi Ranch heading west toward the Grand Gulch Mine and Savantic Mine. Why they did this is still a question even the BLM ranger I spoke with questioned. Due to this closure the BLM a few years ago re-opened an older trail we call the "Black Willow springs" trail. A BLM Ranger drove it in his UTV and plotted various GPS points and Brown stakes to help one find and follow it. Back on one of my earlier trips we were the first group to follow this route. You can see this route on Day 2, Part 1 of my earlier report, titled "Arizona Strip - 64 Gallons later" found at:
If you read the report, I mention that by accident I labeled it the Black widow trail.
On a more recent trip I drove part of this trail and it's a bit more worn and easier to follow. On our original trip we used this trail to traverse from the Grand Wash Bay to the Savantic Mine trail.
Bruce, keep in mind that both the Savantic and Grand Gulch mine trails will require some "rock crawling". There may even be some required winching on the Grand Gulch mine trail. On a more recent trip, I was surprised on how much the Savantic mine trail had deteriorated from water erosion from this past winter.
If any of this doesn't make sense or you have questions, you know how to reach me.
On another note we just returned from our 10 day Utah trip, still a lot of snow on the upper trails. More later.
Again, good write up and hope to pass your way on the trails one of these days.
Explorer 1