I guess I'm late to the party. You hurt your back? I assume on the 2-wheeler?
I injured it initially when I was a teen...then years of working construction, riding ATV's, dirt bikes.... mountain bikes, catching up to me in my 40's. Back in February of this year, I was out pounding whoops on the dirt sickle, the L5 vertebrae said that was the last straw, ended up herniating a disc, which was causing severe sciatica down my left leg, the kind of pain that makes you want to throwup. Only really hurts when I stand..when I sit down or lay down it goes away...which kinda sucks if you're active, couple months ago I couldn't even walk a mile. Awhile back, I made this logo as a joke, ringing true now.
So I have been doing PT...bought an inversion table, got a cortisone just now started feeling good enough to get out there again.
I was up in the Stanley area doing some hiking...I was able to hike about 13 miles, without feeling much pain...which is huge compared to where I was not too long ago.
Some gorgeous country here, this is Hell Roaring Lake, got to it right before sundown.
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