Time for an update; Progress has been SLOW.
I am still stripping the car back to start again with the interior fit out. All interior trim, VERY well glued down carpet, seats and roof lining. Roof rack is off and I started taking off the air con unit, everything seems to take twice as long as it should!
On the plus side, in general there is very little rust, the step into the camper will have to be cut out and some new sheet folded and welded in but other than that it is minor surface stuff that can be cleaned up and painted.
I have bought the roof vents. A camec 4 seasons for the front, where the air con unit currently sits (this has the advantage of giving me a small area to stand up straight!) and a 12v Fan-tastic vent for the rear, above the bed.
I am currently on the hunt for a 4BD1, no easy task, although I have found that I have the correct bellhousing already (very hard to get hold of) so I am part way there!
I have also moved the car closer to the shed so now within range of air hose and welding gear
Hopefully there will be more progress over the Christmas holidays, i am aiming to have the air con out and start on (maybe finish) the engine removal too.