72 Bug, Baja for the road


Well I am a bit stumped, trying to figure out how to fab up a mount to make a flip front end. Little more to Iit then I first thought not to mention will it clear like i want.....

so far I have two chevy big block wrist pins and a length of 3/8 steel rod to make a hinge or pivot, and can weld the up to some plate that will sandwich and bolt through where the front license plate goes. Then weld the bar to the bumper and the wrist pins to the plate so it can pivot. But then need to account for head lights, right now they were hard mount behind the cut outs but think they will need to mount to the hood and pivot too. Guess I can make them work some how like that. Also then comes the issue of how to make it removable?? Guess i could just unborn the plate and take the hood off if need be..

anybody got any ideas to help me along?

Proof of concept....

leaves just enough room to sneek in through the fender to work on stuff, but hits the bumper, so options are live with that, extend the bumper about 4" or abandon the flip front.....


First off, you work fast for only doing weekend work, wow. Nice job.
Maybe you could develop/use some kind of alternative hinge, maybe a trunk hinge from a sedan, or make it complicated, like how the pop top on a VW camper pivots and lifts simultaneously.


First off, you work fast for only doing weekend work, wow. Nice job.
Maybe you could develop/use some kind of alternative hinge, maybe a trunk hinge from a sedan, or make it complicated, like how the pop top on a VW camper pivots and lifts simultaneously.

Well actually I put in about 3-5 hours each night depending on when I get home from work and get kids fed and homework started, got 3 to take care of, 14, 8 and 3 so the the oldest helps with a lot of that. Anyway by the time I am done in the house and get out to the garage it goes quick or slow and stuff just happens. I have a buddy that comes over on weekends and we usually put in about 8 or 9 hours on a sat or sun. Have not really kept track of how much actual work time I am doing on it but feels like I have only had a few real good days of hard non stop work, I feel like I have been slacking a lot so I find it funny you guys think I am going fast.

My wife would not agree with me I am sure, she would say I am always in the Garage, but she works nights so only sees what I am doing on it on the weekends. I did think of a trunk hinge to make it go up and forward but I am inmatient and dont have time to go to the junk yard and find something or figure out how to do that.

dam you are getting on this lol...as to the flip hood great idea ..if you lengthen the bumper 4 inches will it be enough ..

Yep did a mock up by just sliding the bar back 3 " and clamped it down and everything seems to clear just fine or it will if I make it 4". Already cut the bumper and plan to weld it all back up tonight, might even have the hinge welded to the bumper too.


Rendezvous Conspirator
Are you still putting the spare up front? If so, getting it out with that tilt hood will require quite the reach. My lower back is twinging just thinking about it...


Are you still putting the spare up front? If so, getting it out with that tilt hood will require quite the reach. My lower back is twinging just thinking about it...

Yes it is still going in the front, after I finish the tilt front there should be plenty of room, plus I am 6'4" so reach is not to much of an issue for me. I should be able to just slide the spare over the front supports and on to one of the front tires. Well it all sounds good anyway, just got to see how it works out.


Well went with a 4" extension figured it would be eaiser to cut an inch out than add one in.

way more room than before and I am happy with the bumper spacing, makes room for a winch or something later. Still gotta fab up the spare tire mount and see if I am able to sneak the battery in there somewhere.

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