72 Bug, Baja for the road


Just make sure any bars your head could hit are as far away as possible and then have a decent high density padding on them. The tubing won't give way to your skull like the body sheet metal would in an accident.


Took the arms to 3 different shops and nobody could get the ball joints out! The last shop said they were too rusty and would need to take them to a machine shop. Oh BS, went to harbor freight and got a 20 ton press and did it myself.

now time to order some new ones and put me back in.
all that running around and trying to support local shops and no one wants to do such a easy job ..well good for you on getting the job done yourself .now look at it this way now you can do many jobs that you had to send out


Stocking up the shop on this project, plasma cutter, air chisel, and press so far. When I get back to Subzila I will be ready to build bumpers and stuff real easy.


Not sure but thinking around 35 gallons? Gonna have it made by Rhodes Race Cars, will be foam filled and all that good stuff with a sending unit.


So sitting in the shop and looking it over and holy crap I got a lot of work ahead of me! This has turned into a much longer project than I had initially planed on. Will be mostly new by the end of January but that is a lot of wrenching and welding in between.


Supporting Sponsor: Overland Explorer Expedition V
Very cool, I've been on the lookout for a Baja Bug for a couple years but they are all pretty much rust buckets up here. I think the VW bug might hold the record for overland miles travelled overall! Even raced. If you have a chance check out www.redbuggy.com, download the movie, it's pretty good.


the doors are a pain in the AZZ



wanted to remove the hinge pins since they are shot plus taking the body off, figured it would all be eaiser with the doors off. Well the screws that hold the hinges did not want to come out at all, got all but one of them with the welder and a nut to back them out. The last one is rusted solid and the weld kept tearing off so had to drill it out and remove the bracket so I can fix it. I cant wait to see how much fun the hinge pins will be, and still need to take the other door off.


well the fight continues, will get some more pics up soon but I have to remove the hinges off the doors so I can use my press to get the pins out. Tried an air hammer with no success those buggers a re rusted in purdy good I think. The fun part is the hinges are riveted to the door so get to drill those out then find the "right" bolts and fish my hand up in the door to bolt them back on after I replace the pins.....

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