72 Bug, Baja for the road


Tires showed up, headed to the shop to get mounted and balanced now. I like them and think they look good, gonna go white letters out.

do look small when sitting next to my suburban. And pirate I actually got them from tire rack, very fast shipping were here at 9 AM and I ordered them Wed afternoon.


All set, 30x9.5R15 all the way around and a spare.......just need to finish the build up so I can put them on and see how it sits.



Since the body was rusted out along the heater chanel I ordered new bottom plates but the seem to be very thin so I cut some 16 gage to double it up. Then cut the old stuff out and bolted the new plates in and put the body back on and now welding it to the plates. Made good progress but have a long way to go to finish this phase of the project.

gonna weld the first bit up inside and out then start puss in more in to close it all up. Gonna take a couple days but at least it wi be solid. Then can take the body back off to finish weld and fix the front fire wall and rear page tray.


Not sure if I missed it somewhere, but what sort of engine is going in? Really enjoying the build thread! Also, I feel a bit weird asking this but I see a woman in many of the photos. Is that you? If so, then it's great to see a woman doing such great work, if not, then it's great work all the same!


Gonna be just a sock 1600 for now, but will upgrade soon to 1835 or 2180 or somewhere in there.

the lady in the pics is my wife, she likes to help when she can, mostly paint and some cleaning but she gets to spend some extra time with me that way. I love having her help and most of the time it is very useful but alot of it just to be together.


Oh and my daughter is in some of the pics too, she helps cause she has ideas i will give her the car when done.???


That's really nice. I wish my wife would help me in the garage as well, but there's never any time. Anyway I'm looking forward to more news. Your pace is impressive!


Thanks guys, was not supposed to be a frame off type deal but I always get carried with my builds. Trying to have ready to drive by end of Feb which is a month behind where I wanted to be.


Outer Rocker panels fully welded in from the door post ro the wheel well, now gotta cut the two front wheel well outer and two inner for the door to back. After those are all welded I will cut and weld the fronts then comes the cover plates (that is what I will call them) and they will be at an angle to go from the rocker down to the bottom plate where it meets the floor.


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