91 Hallmark Cuchara Roof Rebuilt - Not Closing Opposite Corners, any Ideas?


Expedition Leader
I don't know. But I have noticed in my 94 Texson (Northstar) that when closed, the right and left side bars are not in the same position. Left side seems bent down a bit over the frig which is up near the bed on the left. It's been that way ever since I owned it and the roof open and closes fine. The bars are definitely not symmetrical and I've wondered if I should do something abut it.


Just got off the phone with Hallmark and they feel there is a bent bar or the torsion system on the drivers side may have fatigued and that is why it closes before the passenger side; they provided no suggestions.

They also verified for me that the torsion bar runs through the tube from the front anchor to a point within the tube and there is no bar that runs to the rear part of the tube, it's strictly an anchor point.

They also assured me that the traveling blocks should be the same distance from the center hub and making adjustments is not advisable.

First thing I'm going to do is raise the roof to take the load off the torsion bars. Remove the anchor point of the drivers side and see if there is torsion in the bar. If so, I'm going to try and create a little more by reinserting the anchor 1/4 turn more positive and bolting it back down. If there is no torsion (broken) then I guess I'll be calling Canvas Replacements to see if I can get 2 new bars; the whole system probably costs more than the camper is worth?

I'll keep you posted.
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Did the old roof open and close symmetrically? Is the new roof lighter than the old roof?

From what I could tell there wasn't any problems but the roof was so raggedy, major rot, that everything may have flexed as needed?

I believe this roof may be a little heavier but not much if it is. I added a 25lb weight on the roof over the high side attaching point and it didn't seem to make a difference.

I talked with Canvas Replacements and they sell the torsion rods for $60 each plus shipping so after I do some investigating I'll report back.


American Trekker
roof & bar alignment

In your first picture you can see the upper bar is not Parallel to the lower bars. I would check the front lift bar see if it bent a liitle. And nothing on the bed???


Got it all Straightened Out

As Hallmark suspected, bent and poorly aligned when welded bars were the problem - she's laying much better now.

Took a 2' & 4' straight edge to everything and found out the Drivers side (low in front) had a bent horizontal support bar forward of it's vertical support out to the roof bracket. But the real culprit on the drivers side was the forward vertical support bar was bent out (when the roof is up) or bent down (when lowered) which caused the front on the drivers side to contact early. Once straightened and installed it almost leveled out the front when lowered.

There were no bent bars on the passenger side (high in front) but I did see that the rear of the U-shaped support tube was not in alignment with the front, essentially twisted. I removed the passenger side assembly and as suspected the 8" tubes that are welded perpendicular to the horizontal top bar and insert into the u-shaped assembly were not in alignment with each other; either originally welded that way or possibly the torsion rod twisted the tube (not likely). Took the bar out to my trusty y-crotched tree that I use for straightening T-fence posts and twisted the tube putting them both in alignment. When assembled it raised the passenger side back end which pretty much leveled everything out when lowered.

Talk to enough folks, attack things step-by-step and with a little sweat equity this project is back on track; now I need to start laying fiberglass.

Thanks for the feedback and when I get it all done I'll throw up some pictures.
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Expedition Leader
Glad you got it sorted. Were you able to determine how much torsion is on the bars? I didn't even know those were torsion bars.


Glad you got it sorted. Were you able to determine how much torsion is on the bars? I didn't even know those were torsion bars.

Not sure how much but they were equal on each side best I could tell; didn't use a spring scale or other measuring tool other than hand pressure and a tape measure.


Glad you got it figured out!! Wonder why the first roof didn't seem to have these problems?? I was just looking at my bars and it's fairly obvious that someone's had a go at them with a pipe wrench... My camper used to have the full height rear door, and I'm guilty of lowering the top partially w/o taking the door down... That may be why the back if my camper is now higher than the front. I could try to block the front up and lower the rear I suppose and see if it straightens out... ???

And that is a sweet Super Sherpa in stable!! :)


Glad you got it figured out!! Wonder why the first roof didn't seem to have these problems?? I was just looking at my bars and it's fairly obvious that someone's had a go at them with a pipe wrench... My camper used to have the full height rear door, and I'm guilty of lowering the top partially w/o taking the door down... That may be why the back if my camper is now higher than the front. I could try to block the front up and lower the rear I suppose and see if it straightens out... ???

And that is a sweet Super Sherpa in stable!! :)

I think the other top was so rotted and flexible that it conformed to the shape needed; this new roof is pretty rigid.

I found the 09' Sherpa with 1800 miles on it a couple months ago and have already put 500 miles on it riding rural roads, forest service roads, dirt two track and a few errands. I started riding 18 months ago and the Sherpa replaced my 91 TW200. I loved the TW but it just wasn't highway compatible with my 200lb frame, the Sherpa will do 60 easy and very comfortable at it... allows me to widen my exploration by jumping on a few highways, no Interstates.

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