'93 F-350 4x4, 4 door, West Los Angeles


They are all slide-in campers, just some have the floors reinforced so they can be bolted thru them to the truck bed. How exactly said reinforcement is done and what it consists of, that I don't know, but I bet FWC's Stan will! But all campers will have the perimeter anchor points (one in each corner) as not everyone is willing to punch holes on their beds for floor-mounting the camper, not to mention not all beds will have crossmembers in suitable locations for that - whether to use those perimeter anchor points or bolt thru the floor instead (assuming your model allows it) will be something for you to decide. But yes, that question may be best answered in the campers section, wait for Stan's answer first though, as it may or may not make the whole deliberation moot.

Paul B.

Thanks. I'll let it be known what Stan says.

Edit: This will be continued in the pop-up campers forum. String is titled '88 FWC Keystone on flat bed. Stan's response was inconclusive. But I was pointed in the right direction by Pappawheely, which lies in the mounting of the bed to the truck, and the camper to the bed.
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Paul B.

Hello again to all. After a few starts and stops, back at this project. Unexpectedly ran completely out of disposable income to move this along. Gave me some time to think it out. Hopefully ready to get it to a reasonable state of completion.

Procured a utility bed truck, planning to put the bed on the F-350. Key was finding a bed with 32" high boxes. No flip up tray on top to to cut out or remove. We're going to surgically remove a section of the rear of the boxes, invert it and replace it, to accommodate the slide in camper, which will be bolted through to the frame.

Pics will follow.
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Looking forward to seeing your project moving along. I always ran a rubber mat under the camper. It helps to hold it in place and allows a cushion. Not sure it would help if you are bolting it down.

Paul B.

Thanks Mike. During the "gathering of various parts and materials for the project" process, I purchased a 4'x10' roll of horse stall mat for that reason.

After much research, mostly on this forum, I've decided on a 4 point bolting system. 2 rear bolts over the back axle, those being somewhat rigid, with 2 bolts at the front of the camper, those with a spring, to allow flexibility. I believe the mat will be essential, even with the camper bolted through to the frame, due to the allowed movement.

I've also thought to line the floor of the utility cabinets with the same material. My main intended destination for this thing involves long distance washboard runs through the desert. Not certain how the utility bed cabinet floors and walls will take that.

I'll send some pics of that bed I found. Anyone attempting something like this has to find the 32" high style with no top storage tray.

Paul B.

Moving along now. Mounted the utility bed. Began cutting and modifying it to accept the '88 Keystone. Can't figure how to upload photos from cell phone. Will be ready to test fit camper to util bed next week.

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