'94 Toyota Pickup build


It fits well. Only thing odd is the gap beteeen the cab and the nest,but that's caused by the shape of the nest, not the size.

Here's a pic to give you an idea. The cab/topper gap is a little awkward but not unliveable. They fit single cabs a lot better since the angle of the cab is significantly different. Disregard piles of gear and happy wife.


And single cab. Kind of poor angle but you can tell that gap is a little more natural looking.


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Wow thanks for the pics guys!

Those Wildernests are pretty cool! Any recommendations for finding one? And were they all produced in one size? Or would I have to make sure to find one made for "mini-trucks" or something?


Multiple sizes and styles were made. There is a website out there somewhere dedicated to the used Wildernest market.

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Made it out to Lake Cushman over the weekend with a few friends. Hiked, camped, drank, and went off road a bit. Truck handled the terrain well, but the motor is still acting a little strange. Looking into some more potential fixes over the coming week.




Thinking of picking up some 4.88 third members off of Craigslist. Would any local dirt bag with some driveline experience want to help me put them in? Maybe knock it out on an upcoming Saturday or Sunday. I'll throw in a case of beer and a hundred bucks. Thanks guys.



Haven't updated in a while as i haven't had much time to put into the truck. Finally got the ball joint spacers and add a leaf kit installed. Got the tires mounted as well. Engine still running rough, beginning to seriously contemplate the 3.4 swap.




Kors Camps

Innate Outdoor Co
Dude, Awesome build! I like your strategy and style with this truck.

How much does a nice 3.4L go for? Would you be able to use your existing transmission?
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Dude, Awesome build! I like your strategy and style with this truck.

How much does a nice 3.4L go for? Would you be able to use your existing transmission?

Thanks man! Cascadekid and Crenshaw seem to be the 3.4 experts around here and have started a 3.4 thread. The 3.4 will bolt up to the 3.0 box but some changes in the wiring are required. Users here like Crenshaw and Cascadekid recommend getting an entire donor car as opposed to just the motor. Saves some headache durning the swap and the cash you put in can most likely be recovered through a part out of the remaining components.


Dude, Awesome build! I like your strategy and style with this truck.

How much does a nice 3.4L go for? Would you be able to use your existing transmission?

A good fairly low mile motor could be anywhere from like $800-$1500 I would think. Like Nikksheperd said, the ticket is to buy a whole truck and part out what you don't use. It's really helpful to have absolutely all the accessories, sensors, evap, and other electrical garbage even if you don't end up using it.

3.4 bolts right up to trans and right to the frame if you have a v6 truck already.

Things you need that aren't immediately on the 3.4

3.0 oilpan and dipstick tube
3.0 motor mounts
Custom exhaust crossover or really creative exhaust routing
Wiring adaptor or do the wiring yourself.

There's obviously a little more to it but those are the big gotchas that you've got to figure out.

Sorry for the thread drift- once again I'll copy and paste this info to the 3.4 thread.


The truck is looking goooood! I'm very jealous of how clean it is. Not many of them left on the road in my neck of the woods. Now about the running rough part, was it running rough before the gasket replacement or only since? I can't remember... Have you used intake cleaner to chase down any other vac leaks since the intake boot replacement? Have you done a dry vs. wet compression test? Lastly does this 3.0l have an egr valve?

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I'm also betting that you have a vacuum leak somewhere. Have you replaced the little o-ring in the idle screw on the throttle body? Those things are almost all bad and leak vacuum pretty badly when they harden up.

Truck looks great! You've pushed me over the edge to get some sick '90's decals for mine. Keep an eye on your existing leaves after the add a leaf- mine crapped out not long after I did one on mine.


I'm also betting that you have a vacuum leak somewhere. Have you replaced the little o-ring in the idle screw on the throttle body? Those things are almost all bad and leak vacuum pretty badly when they harden up.

Truck looks great! You've pushed me over the edge to get some sick '90's decals for mine. Keep an eye on your existing leaves after the add a leaf- mine crapped out not long after I did one on mine.

Replaced the Oring on the idle screw. You were right, it was hard as a rock, however, it did not fix the problem. I've searched time and again for a vacuum leak and I cant find anything. It only gets rough around 45mph-65mph with low throttle. I can throttle out of it though, AND it's intermittent. Recently the cel (25) went away on its own. I'm so lost. Truck does have an egr. Did the dollar bill test on the exhaust and it does suck in. Cyl 3 at 90psi exhaust valve may be stuck or burnt but I'm not sure why the symptoms would suddenly present themselves. Was quoted $1800 to pull and fix. Considering trying a new afm or egr vacuum regulator. I feel like I'm looking for obscure solutions when it's probably right under my nose.

Thanks for the tip on the leafs. I'll end up with new ones in the future.

Thank you everyone for the positive and kind words! I'll keep this thread going as long as I'm building the truck. At this point I'm pretty invested so she will be around. Still working on the wildernest and on the hunt for a 3.4 donor.

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