98 XJ build


Wouldn't putting a higher amp fuse kind of defeat the purpose of a fuse? From my understanding, you set the fuse based off your wire size so that the fuse will blow instead of melting wires and causing fires. I suppose that if the high loads are only temporary it may still be ok. Right now I have an ANL fuse with a couple of spares but I think that I'm going to install a reset fuse. That way if it blows it'll be easy to reset.

Yes, just in practice I found it to be problematic. Might be why fusible links are used on the alternator lead. A reset fuse is a good idea, I think I might have ended up with something similar.


New member
Nice, thats a super clean XJ. I really love the notch fender flares. When I get the money I'll probably go that route, just have a ton of stuff that I need to do first. Did you do the install yourself? I heard that they're kind of a pain to install.

I did not do the install myself. Front is pretty easy, but back is where you would want a shop to do it if you lack the skills like I do. However, a lot of body shop guys that own XJs and even just some experienced wheelers install them on their own.


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Today my plan was to replace the hubs and axle shaft u-joints. Unfortunately, I could not get the axle nut off even with a 4 ft cheater bar. So, pretty much couldn't do any part of that job. Im going to try heating it up with some propane and see if that will loosen it up.

Since I had the wheel off, i decided to rotate the tires and paint my wheels. When I originally bought my jeep, they came with these american eagle wheels that were chrome. Over the years they corroded so I sand blasted them with a cheap gun from amazon and then painted them. They turned out pretty nice.

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This weekend I made some changes to the jeep and installed ironman4x4 shackle relocation brackets and new JCR bumper and tire carrier. I've had the relocation brackets for almost a year but was hesitant to install it because I didn't want to break anything and lose my DD. Before I started the install, I took my old bumper off and soaked all the bolts in PB blaster for a week. Im not sure how it would have gone without doing this but amazingly all my bolts came out easily without using any power tools. First I jacked up the jeep, pulled off the wheels, and unbolted the shocks


Next I unbolted the upper shackle bolt and let the leaf springs drop. The nice thing about the ironman4x4 shackle relocation brackets is that they have a ton of adjustability, are super strong, and have additional bolts that attach to the frame rail. To attach the relocation brackets, I used JCR nut strips with some new grade 8 hardware. Process to reinstall went smoothly and now I have a much better shackle angle. Previously the shackles were at almost 90 degrees.


Next thing I did was install my bumper. First thing was to install new brackets to the stock bumper mounts. JCR normally has you reuse the old bolts, but I decided to put new hardware in


JCR makes a good product and the install went smoothly. The bumper did require some drilling in order to add the unibody reinforcement for the tire carrier. Finished product looks great.


Took the jeep for a drive and the ride quality is significantly better. Only thing is that there is a little more body roll when cornering. There are a few issues remaining. I didn't notice it during install but the bumper is not perfectly aligned with the quarter panel, so I'll probably loosen the bolts and adjust the alignment this week. Second issue is that after tightening the suspension, i noted that the passenger side shackle is a bit crooked and the leaf pack is a little twisted. If anyone has any experience with this problem, I'd be interested to know how you fixed it. Still have to wire the new bumper lights.


Everything can't go perfectly. During my test drive, I got the check gauges light again and my voltage meter dropped to 9. I did some testing with the multimeter and figured out that the new alternator that I bought and installed a month ago died. Took it to autozone to get bench tested and they confirmed that the alternator was dead. So now I'm going to have to install a new one, again. On the plus side, i'm getting pretty familiar with this install and pulled the alternator in 30-40 min.


Bumper looks Great! I wanted that Vanguard bumper pretty bad, but i was to cheap. JCR makes great stuff. How do you like those STTs?


New member
Bumper looks Great! I wanted that Vanguard bumper pretty bad, but i was to cheap. JCR makes great stuff. How do you like those STTs?

Yeah, bumper was not cheap. I waited to buy it in the black friday sale so at least the accessories were included. So far the STTs are great but I haven't driven them real hard yet. I got the E rated ones and they are definitely stiffer than the C rated duratracs I was on before. The duratracs tended to bulge out more and these stay closer to spec


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Always loved the JCR tire carrier but a little rich for me. Also seems pretty big and heavy. If I get a tire carrier I'd like to try out rock hard 4x4s.


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Buddy has one on his XJ. Pretty good bumper for the price but he spare hangs/leans out pretty far and I hate that. Want something tucked up close and won't lean over time


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I've heard that smittybuilt has quality issues so I've avoided buying their products. I ended up buying the JCR cause it had the best look and met all my performance needs. I'm planning on keeping this cherokee forever so I figured it would be ok to spend more for something that I'll be happy with.


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Ujoints, Hubs, SYE

Updates! I've been running a tcase drop for a while now but finally decided to upgrade to an SYE. I ordered a JB conversions SYE, new transmission mount, and Adams driveshaft. Since this is my DD and I don't have really have time at the moment, I opted to have my local jeep mechanic do the work for me. While the jeep was in the shop, I had the ujoints and hubs replaced seeing as I couldn't get the hub nut off with my tools.

Check out that sweet driveshaft and SYE!

Also, check out that busted ujoint and old hubs!
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So far JCR bumper has been good, just been driving it around town. Only thing is that there are some rattles when I hit speed bumps. Here is a shot of the clearance I have when the tire carrier is closed. Nice and tight

Before I did the shackle relocation and SYE, I just thought the stiff ride and vibrations were part of the jeep experience. While I didn't really mind these issues, I can definitely notice a difference now. Like I mentioned before, I'm noticing more body roll in corners. I'm still running the stock sway bar but may look into additional solutions for minimizing body roll while on the street.
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Jeep won't start

Last week I noticed that the key was getting harder to turn when starting the car. Then one day the car just wouldn't start. All the lights would come on, A/C would work, just not cranking. Found out that if the blower fan stays on while the key is in the start position, then the ignition switch or ignition pin is broken. However, I couldn't tell which one it was because in order to remove ignition parts you need a security torx. Based off the fact that the key was hard to turn, I figured it was the pin and not the switch. So I ordered a new ignition pin and a set of security torx bits.

Pulled the plastic cover off the steering column and pulled the key cylinder out. From the bottom of the steering column, there is a cover that holds the ignition pin and is attached with two T10 security torx bolts. When removing the cover, be careful because there is a spring and a small loose piece that can easily fall out and get lost.
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After removing the cover, I removed the ignition switch which is held on by another security torx and separated the ignition pin from the ignition switch. This is what i found

The metal pin had broken and wasn't activating the ignition switch when the key was turned. So installed new ignition pin and reassembled the steering column. This is the ignition pin cover with spring and little piece

Jeep started right up!
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Fixed a couple of small things that were bothering me. First is the coolant bottle which was super old and dirty. I can barely see the coolant level and there was probably some dirt or other crap in it. Since a new bottle was only $23, figured I would just replace it. Old vs new:

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Also replaced the door check in the driver door and driver control panel. So now my door stays open. Power locks and windows work most of the time but I think there might still be some broken wires in the door jam. Anyhow, this is what the old door check looked like


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Salvage yard finds

Yesterday I checked the local salvage yard to see if they had any new cherokees for me to raid. I pull up their website and find this:

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Its a nice clean 2001 cherokee and from the pics it looks like someone invested a fair amount of money on it. It has a winch bumper, at least 2 BFG all terrains, upgraded headlights, and if you look closely, a roof rack. The bad news is that it had been in the yard for a week, and cherokees get raided fast here. When i got to the yard, if found this


No tires, no bumper, and no roof rack :( So i started grabbing the stuff that actually needed since I already have better tires, bumper, and roof rack. I picked up a door check, fan shroud, and some grab handles. Buuuut, trip turned up some pretty nice surprises!

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I found a throttle body spacer and a 3 switch panel with OEM switches! Switches and spacer were $9 each. So i'm not entirely convinced that the spacer will actually do anything, but for $9 Im willing to try :) As I was paying, I found out that one of the guys that works at the yard had grabbed the rack and bumper, so I pretty much had no chance. But I also found out that LKQ will send you texts on their app if you tell them what vehicle you're looking for. pretty cool

I'll try and install these soon but work on the jeep has been slow since its hot and there are tons of mosquitos right now.


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Not much happening on the jeep since I've been busy with school, but I'm getting it prepped for 5 day trip to north Georgia around thanksgiving. Last month my headlights stopped working and my AC wasn't cold anymore. My headlights still worked when I turned on my high beams so I figured out that it was the low beam relay on my putco harness that died. People have complained about the cheap relays on the putco harness and these lasted me 4 years. Instead of buying a new harness, I figured I would just use the existing wiring and solder in some spare relays that I had. While I was at it, I removed the bright yellow cover and wrapped it with black cloth tape.

AC was blowing warm because the weld on my accumulator had cracked and the refrigerant had leaked out. I took the jeep to a shop and had them recover the leftover refrigerant and fix it up. When the AC went out, my blower fan would only turn on when the knob was set to the max. If you have this symptom, that means that the blower motor resistor is bad. Good news is that the part is ~$15 and is easy to replace. All you need to do is remove the cover in the passenger side footwell to gain access. The old resistor was pretty nasty.
Most recently I installed the boostwerks transfer case linkage. This kit is great as it's reasonably priced and very easy to install. It took me about an hour, but I could probably do it in 30 min now that I know how it goes. Here is the new linkage compared to the stock one i removed.
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