p nut
My mileage is slightly worse with the 235/85R16 than it was with the stock tires. But my old 265/70R16 (never have tried 265/75R16) were original KO tread in load range C, so about 10 lbs lighter per tire. I was also not lifted. What really seems to have dinked my mileage was the bull bar, that seems to have taken 1~2 MPG from I assume the big flat profile... FWIW, one reason I went narrower was I prefer the handling of them in snow. I don't like the sensation of floating with wider tires.
Yeah, I registered about a 2MPG loss with 235 and 265 from the stock size (but the stock size I ran was the p-rated Ragged Fails). That's surprising that the bull bar affected the MPG that much. I'm guessing it's the hoops (can't remember if yours has them or not, though).
Fortunately, the wider (relatively--265/275 width) tires in snow/slosh has never bothered me. I couldn't really tell much difference with the 235's, honestly. But snow removal system is top notch here (in fact, I believe some cities have hired snow plow companies from CO. Maybe you guys do it better!), so I've only have to deal with snow on the road a handful of days per year.