99 Ram w/ 97 Sun-Lite


So come on, hundreds of views and no comments? No; "I too, have imagined packing my favorite hobbies into the truck and hitting the open road following my hearts desire?" or "suck it up kid, thats life and sometimes it sucks?" On other fourms I would have had 50 people ragging on me before a deacent answer was posted. I know this tread has helped at least a couple people on here, so I'll keep posting. Any reply, critical or not, is always appreciated and motivating. :ylsmoke:

Trying to figure out how to prep a Truck/Camper for an indefinite trip? There is a lot I wish to bring and imagine would be sweet but probably isn't realistic. Here is some of the equipment I'm debating so far...


Front Bumper
Storage Rack -- (Lot's of extra room but I've never used it. For the most part I'm traveling solo, so never needed extra space plus I'll have a Thule Ski Box on the roof too.... Not sure it's worth bringing.)
Winch -- (Everythings just fine when you hear camper and winch used in the same sentence. :eek: It's an excuse to feel confident off-roading and leads to bad, bad things.... even with out a camper dangling off the back.... More then likely It's not going)
Motorcycle Carrier -- (I'm really trying to bring a motorcycle. It kinda gets priority over the other stuff, but also might not be too feasible.)


Rear Bumper
Tire Swing -- (Bulky and heavy with minimal gain. 2nd spare tire and 5 or 10 Gal. of extra fuel. Looks B.A. but not sure I'd ever use what it carries. Although, it's better to have it and not need it than not nave it and need it. Also having to swing it open every time to get in and out.... might be a pain in the butt.)
Mtn Bike rack -- (Nice to keep a bike on, but kinda another unnecessary idem. I could strap the bike to the spare tire or something else.
Sandladders / High-Lift -- (More pieces that would encourage serious off roading. More then likely not going. The HighLift is only rated to 7000lbs and I doubt the ladders would hold up to a overloaded camper. Anyone actually use sandladders? Don't drive much on sand in NH.)

Most of the other gear is manageable (Ski gear, Mtn Bike gear, Fishin gear, Tent camping gear, Snorkling gear, Beach gear...) besides the motorcycle ('86 XR600) and boat (6ft. inflatable Achilies). The dirtbike is pretty high on the list though. I didn't have it on my last big trip and saw a lot of potential if I had. Parking the truck and heading out to explore, envisions of tearing doo-doo up in the desert, maybe successfully jumping the Snake River Canyon... and it's kinda backup transportation too. The boat is just an idea. I have it and it tends to sit year after year (have other I would use before an inflatable) so thought it would be neat to bring along. I enjoy exploring by water too, mostly just for fishing though. Not sure it's practical with all the extra stuff associated (motor+tank, floor boards, life preserver, bag with rope, small anchor, whistle, fire extinguisher....) but again, could be sweet.

My worry with most of the junk coming along is theft. A lot is exposed, out in the elements and I can't cover or hide them too well. I wish we didn't have to worry about it but the world is turning into a crazy place. Parking downtown in a city for the day, leaving it at a trail head for a weekend of tent camping or whatnot... If someone really wants it, there gonna take it. Even with one of my elaborate Anti-theft lock/tiedown dohicky's.

Updates with Camper
Finished most of the interior work, should be done with the exterior stuff after the holiday. I plan on heading to Eastport or Lubec, ME for New Years. I've done the southern most point of the Cont. USA, so I hope to get the eastern most point before I head west. Being the first person to watch the sunrise in the new year is also on my bucket list.

Added interior switches for both exterior lights. Makes climbing out for a midnight wizz a little easier.



Added a water pump power switch in the shower compartment. No more climbing inside, running out to shower, then running back in dripping wet to turn it off.


Most of the wiring is ran and hidden under shelves, behind drawers, 'n stuff.



This year it's Santa in a '36 Bugatti Type 59. Last year's holiday card was Santa in Fangio's 250F.


Happy Holiday Everyone!
-Colin :cool:
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OK...we're still out there following your thread, just catching up with holiday duties, etc. I can relate to chasing problems on the truck. Once I added the bumper/winch and leveled it out I've been busy replacing suspension/steering components. Having 235k miles hasn't helped either. I like your setup and wish I could haul a popup, but then I'd be chasing rear end problems and my banker has told me to knock it off. :sombrero:

P.S. Tahoe is getting epic snow...do it while you can.


If I was your age, and I had that truck and camper, I'd buy a small enclosed trailer, load it up and head out west...No doubt about it! Once you've experienced the west you'll realize that the Northeast is nothing but a shadow of the great west.

I'm 60 years old and planning on doing just that at 62..........Dodge Diesel and Palomino 120O with Wells Cargo trailer with three motorcycles loaded at the ready!

Go for it.........keep uis informed on your travels!


Enjoying the build especially since we have similar rigs. Im gonna be shopping for a pop top soon and will hopefully be looking at new Palominos. Cant wait to upgrade from camping in the rear of the truck to a actual camper. Keep up the good work!


Oil eater.
Consider Northstars when the time comes. Ours is 13 yrs old now with no issues aside from some pinholes in the rear canvs folds.


Mighty Dodge Ram,
If your banker hasn't figured it out, you need a separate account just for the Dodge. I have a hand full of friends in Tahoe City that work/groom at the mountains. It does sound pretty epic.

I've debated towing a trailer but I want to try and keep it to what the truck/camper holds. I'm just returning from a trip and don't see myself carrying around large out-of-season toys and gear... but we'll wait and see. Thanks!

Pretty sweet truck ya got there. I have spent something like 30+ weeks of my life tent camping with my family. Never really appreciated it till I became older. Once I had my licenses I did the wood platform under the truck cap too, and finally upgraded to a TC coming up on 1 year now. I absolutely love it! It's kept ready to go so I can back under it and drive off in 30 min. Queen bed, fridge, stove, bathroom.... Awesomeness.
How do you like the motorcycle carrier? Does it wobble? Curious how much it would block on the front bumper.... lights, radiator, sticking too far above the hood...

Just getting home from an 850 mile cruise around Downeast Maine for New Years. Trip report will come in the next week or two. Here are a couple teasers...



Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year!

First sunrise from the easternmost point in the U.S. Quoddy Head State Park

- Colin :cool:


I love the motorcycle carrier. It did need some modifications to it when I bought it to make it more sturdy to my liking. Mounting it to the front probably wouldn't be a good idea. I once had a high lift mounted to my front bumper and just that made it shake at 45mph and above. Once I get a pop top, I will probably upgrade to a stronger carrier that will allow the rear door to open without taking the bike off the carrier. I would keep it on the back if you could.


Almost forgot...

Can't wait to see the trip report and could you post some more pics of the interior of the camper and exterior. It really gives me a good idea of what my truck would look like with the camper on it. Thanks! :smiley_drive:


Thanks, although traveling with the dirtbike is looking less and less realistic. :( After the next report I'll post any other photos you'd like to see.

Even for a short weekend adventure, I'm finding that it's taking some effort to attempt making a 1/2 decent trip report. Writing a little bit each day and reviewing the previous work. While cleaning out an old book shelf at my parents house today they stumbled across this, not the first camping trip but possibly my first trip report. Family campin trip, summer of '96. (sorry for the unsophisticated manuscript, I was only in the second grade)



(I'll type the text for easier reading and shorter story length. The ol' mans truck was a Red '88 F150 Supercab with white cap.)

This summer I went camping up north. The first day it was very cold.


My little brother really liked the pool.


We were near Mount Washington. We passed the Old Man on the Mountain. (Camped near Twin Mountain)


These are the people that went: Andrew, Dad, Elizabeth, Mom, Trapper, Glenn, and me. (Dad, Mom, 2 Brothers)


Two weeks before we went I had my tonsils out. So I couldn't ride my bike a lot.


My big brother got a new bike. It has 21 speeds and it has front rock shocks.


There were very good trails up north. When I did get to ride, it was really fun.


My dad was riding my brother's bike. My dad's toes were in the toe clips and he fell. I might get some toe clips.


My two brothers and I went in a paddle boat. I met two friends.


The next day a big storm was coming. We got a lot of rain. We went home.


When we got home we rode our bikes. We got our dirt bikes out. We cleaned them and we made a jump for them. It was fun.


The day after that some of Trapper's friends came over. We went over a jump. I came in second place against 3 thirteen year olds and a fourteen year old.





New member
Looks like a fun setup, I got somewhat into truck camping in my early 20s too, actually had a tiny Palomino for a shortbed mini pickup, then got an F250 and used the camper with it at least once, what made the TC go away was getting a dirt bike[and racing it:)]

I'm with the others that say, do the travelling while you are young, It's a different land out West.


Just wrapping up my Trip Report I'll post Wednesday for our 1 year anniversary :friday:. Not sure if its too long or detailed but I figure I'll get replies and suggestions for any others I may do. Had some left over pictures that didn't make it into the story, someone might enjoy them.





As you see in the last picture the Dodge is lookin a little heavy on the rear end, it's not really that bad but I used it to get the point across. After I installed my leveling kit in the front it's never sat how I wanted it to :rolleyes:. Not sure if airbags will raise the rear (to the level with a empty bed) or if I should find some new 1" lift springs from my local spring manufacturer. Its stable and has no performance issue, just visual. I feel as simple as airbags are, its still something else to go wrong (ripping air lines out off roading, ect. Also don't believe it would solve the slight lean to the driver side the truck has always had) On the other hand, new heavy duty rear springs would probably make it ride like crap when the camper is out and back to being a regular truck. I'll compare the two and see what option is cheaper.

Anyway, check back later in the week for a new TR thread. I'll post a link on here too.



Allrighty you want feedback...

Great truck and camper combo. I purchased a 2001 Cummins about 4 months ago and I love it. Hopefully a pop up will be added in the future. For right now, it is just a topper with a platform. Your truck looks good and the camper mods are very functional. I can't even imagine having your setup when I was 23. I would probably still be living out of it.

As for your future plans, MOVE WEST. I grew up in CA, moved to MA for college, and the first thing I did upon graduation was move to Jackson, Wyoming (my wife and I now live in Oregon). You NEED to move to the west. Think about it this way -- if you don't like it or it doesn't work out, you can always move back. I grew up skiing in Tahoe and the skiing is fantastic. Do it now before you set down roots. Take the motorcycle, definitely take skis and mtn bike, pass on the Zodiac. A canoe or small raft would be much more functional, but in reality just wait and buy one when you get out there. A zodiac will be cumbersome and not that functional in the high mountain lakes and of no use in the rivers.

As for the squat rear end on the truck, my Dodge came with an abnormally large leaf pack and huge blocks on the rear which I figured were aftermarket but I have been told are stock. Does your Dodge have the "camper package" (rear sway bar, additional leaf, trailer hitch)? If so, it should be plenty of suspension for your camper even without air bags. I might look at a fresh set of leaf springs. I don't usually have mine too loaded down and it rides nice. It is stiff, but I wouldn't call it a harsh ride...more like a standard truck. Also, I saw your fuel pump issues...I have an Air Dog Raptor pump and it has been great. When I purchased the truck the fuel pressure would dip down into the single digits. Now, it holds nice and steady at 16-18 psi no matter the temp, throttle amount, etc.

Good luck on the project!


I say totally go for the airbags. You will be able to level it and also level each side independently. With the right kit, installed correcting with good parts it can be very reliable. I plan on putting rear bags on my Dodge when I find a pop top.

As for the above comment about moving to experience new things, I just recently moved to Colorado from Oregon. I decided to pick up and leave to find a better life. So far its the best decision I've ever made. The northwest is great scenery and something definitely to experience but Colorado is incredible. Enjoying the pics and waiting for the trip report!


Welp, today I went topless...


As the snow flies, On a cold and grey New Hampshire mornin... In the ghetto (in the ghettooo)

Water must have somehow got under, froze, expanded, and cracked a few areas.

The 13' 6" crack down the middle seam might be why the roof is so water logged and saggy. And someone already tried to "fix it"

Yup, "12" days till I leave...

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