A Little Different M416 Trailer Build


Blissfully Lost
Dropped the frame off at the powder coater for a semigloss black coating. Should have it back in a week or three....
I have been looking for an internal frame coater so I don't have to worry about rusting from the inside out.
Found this stuff below... It's supposed to be pretty good and adheres and incapsulates everything, rust-grease-etc....
Comes with a 12inch hose fitted with a 360 degree spray nozzle at the end to be able to fully cover the inside of the frame.
I drilled drain holes about every 24 inches on the frame so I should be able to coat the entire interior of the frame with this stuff.
Should work well?


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Blissfully Lost
I got the frame back from the powder coater and set up in the garage.
I started off running the wires for the Brake Lights and electric brakes, pretty straight forward.
Hung the axle and put the bump stops on - spring pad worked great to mount the bump stops onto.
I hooked up the parking brake cable to the old M416 parking brake handle and it works perfectly.
I then sprayed that internal frame coater by Eastwood, seemed to coat well. It runs out the holes like water so be very careful if you use this stuff. When it dries it reminds me of thick black nail polish, almost like a black marble..
Installed the brake light brackets and brake lights..
Picked up new toy - tube bender, waiting on die so I can make tube fenders for the trailer... * Any suggestions on how to mount to the garage floor temporarily, that way I can set it in a corner when not using it, any good ideas?
Bottom line the frame is all together.
Next - Make Tube Fenders, install on tub.
Weld 1 inch flat steel around upper lip inside tub to prevent water from blowing in to trailer.
Paint the M416 tub & lid.
Weld base mounts for telescoping rack
Touch up paint
Rhino line inside tub and lid.
Weld together rack to fit into base mounts attached to trailer.
Rooftop tent install
Batwing Canopy install
Solar Panel and battery setup
and a few more doodads..
Really want to be ready for snow wheeling and camping this coming winter.....


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Blissfully Lost
The lip around the top of the trailer is now done.
Finished priming the trailer.
All ready for paint, need some more free time and waiting on buddies paint booth to free up. Hopefully have it painted before the end of July.
As for now I have a few M416 left over parts for sale. PM me if you are interested in any of the parts below:
- Lunette Mounting Bracket $145.00 plus shipping.
- Landing Leg $40.00 plus shipping.
- Swivel Landing Bracket $70.00 plus shipping.
- Bell Crank $15.00 plus shipping
- 24 Volt Military Trailer Brake Lights $40.00 EACH plus shipping. May need bulbs.
- Pintle Hook $50.00 plus shipping
- Pintle Hook Mount $30.00 plus shipping.
I only accept PayPal payments, or if you are local (Puyallup Washington) I will take cash...
Private Message me if you are interested in any of these parts.


Blissfully Lost
Little more headway, put up some plastic and positioned some fans to do a little spraying today.
I had the paint from the Jeep color matched at my local auto paint supply shop.
Sprayed the base then 3 coats of clear, sure makes all the WWII/Vietnam dents and dings stand out.
It's just a trailer, i'm moving on, 24 hours to dry now.....
Trailer Painted.jpg


Blissfully Lost
The original red paint job ended up really orange pealed due to low pressure. Turns out my water separator was clogged.
So I had to sand it down and paint it again. I did 3 coats of base and 3 coats of clear. I did not paint the very top since it will be Rhino lined.
I was able to get it mounted onto the frame. I am hoping to get a chance to make the tube fenders this weekend.


New member
The M416 looks great! If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the blue on tour 4 pin pig tail?

Also, have you come up with a solution for temporary mounting the tube bender? Have you considered drop in concrete anchors or large tap cons (3/8” or 1/2”) both osmall holes that can be reused. Just a thought...
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Blissfully Lost
The 'blue' is split loom to protect the wiring harness.
I am considering a few options for mounting the fender, weld nuts being one of them, cross that bridge when I get there.


Blissfully Lost
Made some good headway this past weekend on the tube fenders.
I used 1 1/2 120 wall DOM tube and bent the top corners to 60 degrees and the bottom corners to 90 degrees.
Need to make two cross braces/supports from 5/16 flat bar and then skirt them 1/8 thick plate.
I decided to use RivNuts to secure the bottom of the fender to the frame and I will pop a few bolts through the tub to support the top of the fender.
I won't have any time to make much more headway for a while...
Fender RivNuts.jpgFender Tube 1.jpgFender Tube2.jpgFender Tube 2.jpgFender Tube 4p.jpgFender Tube 4.jpg
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Blissfully Lost
I went to Metal SuperMarket to determine what size steel I was going to use for the telescoping rack.
The trailer frame is 2 inches wide so that limits me to 2x2 for the base the rack will slide into.
The guy at MSM said 2x2 ¼ wall as the base with 1½ ⅛ wall is the best they have for making a telescoping rack.
There seems to be alot of wiggle room which means a noisy rack down the trail/road.
Any better ideas using 2x2 as a base, what would fit inside of it better? Any special tubing I could order online?
I drew it out on CAD earlier today. see below...
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Blissfully Lost
I got one fender/tube mounted after work today.
The bump stop seems to be set just right for the clearance, will find out at some point, easily adjustable if I need more clearance.
I need to mount the other one this weekend, add some supports and then cut out a template for the sheetmetal...


Blissfully Lost
I added the cross bracing to the tube fenders and had them both mounted up today.
I cut out a cardboard template to use to trace the pattern onto ⅛ plate (need to pick up more plate).
Also picked up some latches, trying to decide which ones to use. Not really crazy about any of them at this point.
Hoping to find something a little beefier to help keep the lid snug... Any better/beefier ideas?
I really like the custom latches Cascadia Tent's used on their trailer, video below, latches profiled about ½ way through video..


Blissfully Lost
6th purchase is a charm.... After purchasing 5 latches I could not decide on I pulled the trigger on some JK aftermarket hood latches.
They fit pretty snug and seem to look pretty good...
I ordered up the steel sheathing for the tube fenders, pick it up Friday and work on it this weekend.
Just another baby step completed.

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