Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Glad to see you post over here! Been reading your report over on the SMB forum off and on the whole time. Looks like a great time minus the troubles. Crazy jet photos.
The '75 Beech still has its avionics in it, so guessing they'll be back to salvage that. Not a pilot, but the damage didn't seem so horrible that the whole plane couldn't have been recovered and repaired, but, again, these things I do not know. Saw some shots of the plane on Adventure Rider shortly after the crash. Definately looked different when we were there. Could you imagine the sinking feeling you'd get once you realized you just stacked up your employer's $1.2 million ride? Guessing termination for cause. At least no one was hurt.
[IMG said:[/IMG]
Is this Los Animas?
How was San Francisquito? Did you guys spend much time there?
I recognize that crossing... We spent some time deciding whether or not to try and pass, unfortunately didn't get any pictures though.
That is the road to Mission Calamajue, southeast of Cocos. Some of the greenest canyons I have seen in all of Baja.
Great trip, sorry to hear about the fixes. At least you were able to make it home.
Geez I hate you guys!!! More and more places I absolutely HAVE to go. I've bookmarket the B&B to add to my Baja route planning. I had thoughts of last summer but the fuel prices killed it. I wish it wasn't so far away.
Thanks for the photos and report.