Expedition Leader
Looks like Lippencot hasnt changed much. The first time I drove that road in 1984 it was a much different road, rutted and a real 4x4 trail. We stayed at the Lippencot Lead Mine at the south end of the racetrack. Once the DV became a Nat. Park they came in and improved Lippencot to allow their Hummers to make it up and down the road on their patrols. For a first timer on the trail it can still make you pay attention but compared to the condition it was in years ago it is now a pretty tame trail and still one of my favorites.
BTW if you like steep exposed trails you should do the Snowflake Mine road in the Saline Valley. It climbs the east side of the Inyo Mtns. to the Snowflake talc mine. Lots of exposure to make you sit up and pay attention but it's really not as narrow as you think when your driving it.
BTW if you like steep exposed trails you should do the Snowflake Mine road in the Saline Valley. It climbs the east side of the Inyo Mtns. to the Snowflake talc mine. Lots of exposure to make you sit up and pay attention but it's really not as narrow as you think when your driving it.