A rant worth reading....really!


Very sharp indeed. The best camera is the one we have with us. How true, but how many times we are on the road, looking to our left seeing this women, walking in the rice fields with bundels on her head, waving towards you. There is no way to capture those moments unless your partner is there with a camera, or you have a helmet cam on your bike. So my big wish is to have a small operation to put a slot drive in the side of my temple that accepts SDXC cards and triggers a shutter when I blink with both eyes at the same time. I talked about this with many people and I have a list of 300 who would want to venture in this direction. Just need more people to chip in... ;-)

Adventurous greetings,


New member
Thanks folks.

Pat, your offer is a kind one. Right now I've no clue what the next steps are. There's a good chance, given the speculated time of my recovery (they're using big numbers right now - 3 months being the latest) that I might fly to ATL, collect my beloved Jessie, and drive a fairly straight line back to Canada and continue with my plans in the Maritimes. Dying to spend a month in Newfoundland and Labrador. But again, no idea what this will all look like. Right now it looks like a hospital room for a long time to come. Thankfully i've got wifi and a copy of Sheppard's Vehicle-Dependent Expedition Guide to keep me busy.

Pathfinder, I'm glad for the connection. I hope you'll recover from the pupil/teacher guilt. :) What matters more than answers and opinions, of which there are many, is that people mindfully pursue their own answers and not follow the crowd - that includes not following the HDR crowd or my crowd. Like an good adventure, in art you have to forge your own path.

Expeditionswest - Thanks for the welcome. Nice to be here. I've got big dreams for 2012 and the more I dig in to the planning the more I'll be on here looking to glean from the hard-earned wisdom of others.

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