A trip around the Great Salt Lake.


Quick Hijack, I am going to be at speed week this year in august and wonder if any of you guys know of a nice spot for a truck with a rooftop tent to stay near the salt flats. I have been there a couple times before but was always at the mercy of others transportation and Wendover gets old kind of quick for me. as does the bend in the road for those who know where that is. I have always wanted to go cruise the hills, mountains just north of the pit area and look for a quiet spot to retreat to every night, out of the wind if possible. Anyone been in the area up there? or have any Ideas? This will be the first year I will have my truck up there and I'm really looking forward to Bonneville and some time poking around. Any Ideas would be welcome.

Michael Slade

Yes, there is a really nice spot. It's very big and white.

You can camp anywhere on the road that leads off of the freeway at the Bonneville Salt Flats exit. They clear the salt every night, so don't plan on camping there, but if you want to just pull over and camp for the night, break camp in the morning and go to the spectator/parking area it is very close. If you are in a RTT, and plan well, you could break camp and drive to the parking area in about 10 minutes.

You will see campgrounds of various ilk on your way out to the flats. Any of the land is fair game to camp on, and no one will charge you a fee or give you a bad time. Be prepared for wind at night.

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
Great report, thanks for sharing Ryan!
And "mancation" - I love it!
My boy is not quite 2, but I'm hoping to take him on plenty of father 'n son mancations in the future. :)

Box Rocket

Well-known member
We camped in one of the caves on the RelicRun last year, one of the better nights of sleep I had :cool:

Adam, have you met Matt Russell (newbie in the WC?) His father recently bought the claim to the mine shown in the pictures. We took him out there for the first time last year and you would have though he was a kid in a candy store :cool:

I rememeber your report of that trip, but didn't realize it was Matt's dad. I know Matt. Cool guy.


Thanks everyone. It was a great trip despite the relentless wind and cold.

Great report & awesome pictures...

Any way you could put up an approximate route on google maps to get a basic idea on your trip; considering to do something similar this summer...

Thanks in advance... :)

Box Rocket

Well-known member
Not a great image but this is rough route that we took a couple years ago of the same trail but in the opposite direction. Route is in Orange. Star is where my home (starting point) is, and we began the trail in Wendover, and finished near Promontory Point.



i am pretty sure the bombing range fenceline is the blue dotted line and the road through it (with fences on both sides) is the vertical black line running from I80 north to the lakeside. then where it goes west is the railroad tracks and the dark blue dot is the approximate location of the rusted out truck with the #45 on the passenger side door. there are a bunch of tanks stored at the point where the black road takes a left i think that spot is called lakeside

i am not sure where the caves are. but i once found a huge wall of fossilized snail shells out there in between lakeside and the blue dot, i need to head back up there for some more exploring. it is such a great area.



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Great trip report.

I have family who own some land in the Tremonton/Howel Valley area.
Is this trail easy to find and follow from there?
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Well-known member
Great trip report.

I just moved to UT (Roy), but I have family who own some land in the Tremonton/Howel Valley area.
Is this trail easy to find and follow from there?

Very easy to find, well marked and documented. You ought to pick up some of the Utah specific 4x4 trail books as they will really give you a good general feeling for the lay of the land. If your interested we are doing a similar trip (GSL Desert) this weekend, all are welcome:

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