The name for the XJ was Beasty, but as of late its B*#CH, the female dog version thats not very nice! Not nice to the point that it will be parked this weekend and plates removed so I can figure out some very strange issues
The Brute conversion I am doing right now was evaluated for production - infact one was even assembled on the production line - however they decided that by the time they would have introduced it and marketed it - the 2007 replacement would be just around the corner and they wouldn't get the return on investment out of it.
Mine is still a long way from being done - but when it is done it will look like this:
And this is my matching Toyota
The locals call it Bushanab - meaning "father of the moustache" - thanks to that big front bumper sticking out. Had these novelty plates made up recently
Wagon Master
As I put on an event (Day of Dirt Adventure) every year (sometimes twice a year) where I lead a group (43 vehicles last trip) around the back country roads checking out old cemeteries, bridges, abandoned towns and houses.
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