? About LR 3 suspension upgrade


I remember seeing a post about a little upgrade for LR3/4 where you could shut off the air line to each wheel and pump up the air bags with another pump in the case your compressor went out and the vehicle goes down to the bump stops. I had a couple questions
1. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and if so could post a link ( I tried searching but couldn't find it )
2. Does anyone have it and recommend it? Is it worth while? Is it useless?



Why not do something like this and pump up the thank with an external compressor as needed? From disco3.uk : http://goo.gl/wRqsbN
I think some year (maybe 2009?) LR stopped putting tanks with ports on the front. All you need is a compressor that can fill it to 260psi and the ECU wont ask the onboard compressor to do anything.


Yes exactly or this one
Anyone had any experience with these? Are they worth while?

I have this kit sitting in the garage. It is pretty involved (cutting/splicing lines, running them to a refill point)

At this stage with all the LR3's I offroad with, we've never had a line rupture, or a situation that we couldn't solve by clearing codes and pulling fuses. However, I do carry this kit every time and if I were to need it, it would be a hard trail install. I figure with all the components, lines and fittings we could plumb something up to get off the trail.


Thanks everyone for the great insight. I have a powertank and the Gap EAS tool. Sounds like I should be fine with those. I'll try and check out the filler on compressor. I have on 06 LR3 but recently had a new compressor put on. Not sure if they went with new old stock or if they put the updated one on.


Those kits look nice, but kinda spendy.

For a trail fix, I would just use basic push to connect parts from a vender like McMaster Carr. I would get:

1: tube fitting (6mm?) to male NPT, likely 1/8" NPT
2: Female NPT to female NPT coupling, likely 1/8" NPT
3: Schrader valve w/ 1/8" male NPT
4: Few inch/feet of spare tubing (6mm?)

In case of failed bag cut or remove the tube from the bag/s, then use fittings to install the Schrader valve to the bag. Fill to desired height. Pull proper fuse to disable EAS until repairs are made.

Anybody see a hole in that plan? You might not be able to do just one...might need to do all 4?


Those kits look nice, but kinda spendy.

For a trail fix, I would just use basic push to connect parts from a vender like McMaster Carr. I would get:

1: tube fitting (6mm?) to male NPT, likely 1/8" NPT
2: Female NPT to female NPT coupling, likely 1/8" NPT
3: Schrader valve w/ 1/8" male NPT
4: Few inch/feet of spare tubing (6mm?)

In case of failed bag cut or remove the tube from the bag/s, then use fittings to install the Schrader valve to the bag. Fill to desired height. Pull proper fuse to disable EAS until repairs are made.

Anybody see a hole in that plan? You might not be able to do just one...might need to do all 4?

Is this going to work for a failed bag as you mentioned, or is this a fix for a compressor failure by fitting a way for a manual inflate? A bad bag is going to have a hole in it regardless of how it tries to get inflated , right?


Yes, poor wording on my part. Not good for a failed bag, but for broken lines or compressor or maybe a failed computer or valve assembly.

Colin Hughes

I put a setup like this from Carroll Rovers on my P38 but it all mounted under the hood beside the compressor/valve block. Nice and clean. I pretty much just unplugged the weak compressor, set the height with the air valves and ran that way. The system really had no leaks and I topped it up once every couple of weeks because of temperature changes. Having driven one day on bump stops in the LR3 due to a sticking height sensor, this is cheap insurance and something I might look into.


Did an Old Man Emu coil conversion on my D2 to avoid problems with the rear air bags, cause god knows that the last thing it needed was one more thing to possibly go wrong. It brought peace of mind for sure, especially if you live in a cold climate where deflated air bags are common in the winter.


Did an Old Man Emu coil conversion on my D2 to avoid problems with the rear air bags, cause god knows that the last thing it needed was one more thing to possibly go wrong. It brought peace of mind for sure, especially if you live in a cold climate where deflated air bags are common in the winter.

Fortunately , LR3 air struts are a huge improvement over disco 2 potato sacks, literally . My bags are 10 years old and have no signs of leks at all. the only thing that wears out are the struts inside the bags, but , you can re build it .Air bags are solid on this model.


Fortunately , LR3 air struts are a huge improvement over disco 2 potato sacks, literally . My bags are 10 years old and have no signs of leks at all. the only thing that wears out are the struts inside the bags, but , you can re build it .Air bags are solid on this model.
Excellent info. Good to know. Not going LR3 after my Disco was partly due to that worry of have to deal with faulty suspension. That and the fact that the wife said " never ever another Land Rover"

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