@Jnich77 I totally agree, and I am working on trimming some weight in the cook set and in a few other places.
I do some backpacking, and i agree wholeheartedly that the backpacking mindset IS a great way to go into this. One thing that I found really helped me was making a list of everything I packed at the front of a trip, and then reviewing the list and seeing what I actually used at the end. It's helped me trim a lot of fat so far. If I consistently don't use a given piece of gear, I really probably don't need it, and it gets stripped from the rig.
The idea of "loading a truck like a backpack" is super interesting...this might have to be one of those "back to the drawingboard" ideas that might make me re-think how I load this truck up. A lot of the weight on my truck (skidplates, hiddenwinch, etc) are all basically as low on the truck as they can be (a good place for weight). But in my bed, I put my heaviest stuff (fridge, goal zero) on top of the decked drawers and some of the smaller stuff (dog supplies, headlamps, etc) in the drawers. hmmm....
The one thing that blows my mind is the sorts of weight some people are willing to load on a roof rack...I try to avoid running things on my roof AT ALL COSTS. There are two notable exceptions: My kayak (which weighs about 40-50lbs and basically has to go on the roof) and my off-brand max tracks (Maxsa Escaper Buddies). Most of the time I have my traction mats in the bed of my truck for security, but on trip where I go out and end up actually using them, I love having them on the roof because then they don't track mud and filth into the bed where I have all my "clean" stuff. For the backpackerrs, it's almost like tent etiquette (don't wear your boots into your tent). I see people loading up fuel, water, gravity showers, tool boxes, EVEN SPARE TIRES on a roof rack. Seems sketchy at best. With a roof top tent it's bad enough, but by necessity you HAVE to put that up high (on account of it being a ROOF TOP tent).
I do some backpacking, and i agree wholeheartedly that the backpacking mindset IS a great way to go into this. One thing that I found really helped me was making a list of everything I packed at the front of a trip, and then reviewing the list and seeing what I actually used at the end. It's helped me trim a lot of fat so far. If I consistently don't use a given piece of gear, I really probably don't need it, and it gets stripped from the rig.
The idea of "loading a truck like a backpack" is super interesting...this might have to be one of those "back to the drawingboard" ideas that might make me re-think how I load this truck up. A lot of the weight on my truck (skidplates, hiddenwinch, etc) are all basically as low on the truck as they can be (a good place for weight). But in my bed, I put my heaviest stuff (fridge, goal zero) on top of the decked drawers and some of the smaller stuff (dog supplies, headlamps, etc) in the drawers. hmmm....
The one thing that blows my mind is the sorts of weight some people are willing to load on a roof rack...I try to avoid running things on my roof AT ALL COSTS. There are two notable exceptions: My kayak (which weighs about 40-50lbs and basically has to go on the roof) and my off-brand max tracks (Maxsa Escaper Buddies). Most of the time I have my traction mats in the bed of my truck for security, but on trip where I go out and end up actually using them, I love having them on the roof because then they don't track mud and filth into the bed where I have all my "clean" stuff. For the backpackerrs, it's almost like tent etiquette (don't wear your boots into your tent). I see people loading up fuel, water, gravity showers, tool boxes, EVEN SPARE TIRES on a roof rack. Seems sketchy at best. With a roof top tent it's bad enough, but by necessity you HAVE to put that up high (on account of it being a ROOF TOP tent).