Adventure Ride checklist


Hi guys,

In a momentary lapse of sanity, I signed up for a 25-30 mile adventure ride in VT this weekend. Although I used to mountain bike a lot many many many years ago, I am more a leisurely rider these days And a lot older. I think the New England Winter was getting to me so this seemed like a fun idea. My intention is to just go out and have some fun and hopefully finish.

Anyhow, I freshened the tubes on my old Cannondale Delta V, and added some old clipless pedals. I plan to bring a spare tube, patch kit and some levers. I'll have water and maybe some snacks. I bought a hand pump to bring along as well. I also have to figure out how to use Strava for the route. Its supposed to be pretty muddy and I used to have a clip on rear fender which I'll look for.

Any other tips or suggestions ?



Expedition Leader
Multi tool for bikes?
especially if you haven't been riding a ton you never know if something important like your stem/saddle is going to need tightening 10 miles into the ride...

p nut

Regarding mud, not sure how much you're talking, but if there's quite a bit, fenders will just get in the way. Just prepare for a muddy fun ride and go for it. Unless it's a supported ride, bring more food and water.

Tires: Dry rot? May want to check them over for cracks.

Other than that, 25-30 miles (as long as you're not climbing 5k ft), isn't bad at all. Have fun.


Thanks for the tips. I'll find a multi tool and add some more snacks. I think the tires are ok.

I'll try to post up some pics next week.



Regarding mud, I stole a trick from MX racers... Use cooking spray (like PAM) on your downtube, and other locations where mud can accumulate. DO NOT spray anywhere near the brakes, or where it could drip into the brakes, and don't spray so much that it gets runny or drippy. Much less mud will stick to the bike meaning you're not carrying all that extra weight. Do this just before you start the ride.

I've used this trick in the past on the Paris to Ancaster up here in Ontario. Aside from smelling like popcorn butter (and thus making me hungry for junk food), it worked like a charm. The bike still ended up muddy, but not as bad as most others at the finish.


I've used that same trick on trucks when I knew things would get messy, but I used WD-40. It's safe for the paint and may curb the desire for junk food. :)


Good point! I don't use cooking spray except on my bikes as needed so I generally don't have it on hand. WD-40, I do have on hand...

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