Adventure Tool Company's (ATC) 4wd Provan Tiger adventures


Kapitis Indagatoris
We got on the road this week and explored Western Colorado and cental Utah. Had to deal with typical I-70 ski traffic leaving Colorado but once we got past the resorts it was clear sailing. Had a couple of days of sunny weather then rain and snow. Learned that this nice red sand, hard packed two lanes can turn to slippery, slick frame deep mud holes once a little rain falls. Saw a poor Class C towing a Jeep sink to its frame only driving about 20 ft. Had to call a wrecker in to winch it out. Visited Goblin Valley State Park, Capital Reef, Boulder Utah, Delta Co., Redstone, Co, and got caught in a blizzard over Vail pass (never drive Vail Pass at night in a blizzard!) 506724506725506726506727506728506729506730506731506732506733
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Kapitis Indagatoris
Sometimes you just stop and help. We were heading north from Moab to Cisco along Highway 128 at the 21 mm when we noticed "James" standing by his little Toyota. Since it is very desolate and no cell service in that area we turned around to see if we could help. It turns out James car died as he was heading to Grand Junction and had been stranded there for about three hours with no one stopping. I looked it over and determined either his timing belt had snapped or the distributor rotor shaft gear had broken off, either way the car was not going any where. We loaded James up and ran him back about 8 miles to a ranch/hotel he worked at and dropped him off. Wish him the best.



Kapitis Indagatoris
It's been a fairly dramatic couple of weeks.....kinda sick and tired of foreign made crap.....

1) My 18 month old BFG AT KO2's started to shoulder crack with 8k miles on them. Went around and around with BFG and my Dealer and got them replaced for $230 under their "good will" program because AT's do not have a mileage warranty. Oh, and their reasoning was that our 95 came with 16 in tires and I put 17 in tires on it and therefore the tires weren't designed for that application and that's why they, be careful if you don't stay with OEM sized tires on your vehicle.

2) The 2 year old NAPA/Chinese made heavy duty ball joints (upper and lower) that I replaced during the lift and
Build have already failed and the front end couldn't be aligned. (Note: No problems with alignment or suspension. Greased at every oiled change). Now purchased Moog ball joints and will put them on next week and get alignment for the new tires.

3) Added dexter trailer brakes, break away safety and brake controller to our company enclosed trailer and Tiger due to crazy experience we have last year in the Great Smokey Mountains......Smokey brakes.

And we just have over a week to prep for Easter Jeep in Moab.....and we just got 6-8 inches of fresh snow....



The Moog ball joints on my Tundra were shot in less than three years. My NAPA steering rack is leaking after about two years and the tie rods are shot. It's a pain in the ass, because even under warranty it's a big labor cost.

That's disappointing about the KO's. I'm hoping that's not a common occurrence.


Kapitis Indagatoris
The Moog ball joints on my Tundra were shot in less than three years. My NAPA steering rack is leaking after about two years and the tie rods are shot. It's a pain in the ass, because even under warranty it's a big labor cost.

That's disappointing about the KO's. I'm hoping that's not a common occurrence.

I'm lucky that my good friend owns a commercial garage so he lets me be his shop monkey and use his tools, lift and knowledge, I just pay for parts. His experience is that he's had to replace Napa BJ's 50% of the time due to poor materials. Of course they're warranties but it still ties up a bay to get them done. Moog seems to be better made and certainly cost more. I'll lyk in a year! Thanks.


Always good to have friends in convenient places. Haha. I'm stuck with a sloped, sinking concrete driveway that limits what I can do. I sometimes miss being in the Springs where I used the autocraft shop at Fort Carson.

I'm lucky that my good friend owns a commercial garage so he lets me be his shop monkey and use his tools, lift and knowledge, I just pay for parts. His experience is that he's had to replace Napa BJ's 50% of the time due to poor materials. Of course they're warranties but it still ties up a bay to get them done. Moog seems to be better made and certainly cost more. I'll lyk in a year! Thanks.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Two days out before we head to EJS in Moab. Got the new BJs installed yesterday and heading down the mountain to get the front end aligned.
For years I never really gave NAPA much thought, I've probably bought 50% of my auto parts from them an the other 50% from O'Riellys, but after this Ball Joint experience and their poor product and customer service, I will make an effort to not spend my money with them any longer.


Kapitis Indagatoris
Ok.....all done. After new tires, ball joints, alignment, oil change, trailer brake install, brake adjustment and over all checking of all mechanical and housing systems this beast is ready for the 2019 summer travel/explore/event season!

But, I have come to an informed conclusion....when you expect a 24 year old, 4+ ton 4wd drive RV to travel thousands of road miles - summer through winter, towing a trailer and off-roading and no matter how careful you are, there will be " wear and tear" beyond a normal vehicle and it will be expensive! Cheers and hope to see you at one of the events this year. Be safe.

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Kapitis Indagatoris
So, here we go again! Mountain Mother Nature loves messing with me as to head out of OE West 19! Temps drop into the 20's and we get hit with 5-6 of snow just as I'm packing everything up.......grrrrr. See you in, hopefully warm, Flagstaff!



Kapitis Indagatoris
Some gratuitous Tiger shots from our 1600 mile Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico OE 19 odyssey. Great time, awesome customers, truck ran great and love the new trailer brakes! 517800517801517802517803517804517805


I saw this thing at WEST and it looks so good. This thread is helping to prepare my wife for the day that I bring one of these home!


Kapitis Indagatoris
I saw this thing at WEST and it looks so good. This thread is helping to prepare my wife for the day that I bring one of these home!

Thanks! As you go on the hunt for one, lmk if you have any questions, I'd be happy to help. Good luck!

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