Adventure trailer from scratch!


Ok, finally got some time to start the project. After a lot of measuring, tweaking, twerking, and adjusting, the metal started flying. Here is the end of day 1 with nothing welded, but all my 12.5 deg and 25 deg pieces cut and ready to weld.


I planned for a 50 degree tongue, and will mount a flat plate to it. Now, I may cut a hole in it and run an 18" receiver tube to a crossbar. That is how I have it planned, but welding a channel to it and bolting a lunette ring may be how I go. I can do either with this plan, so I will sleep on it.


Will weld this plate on the front.


This new saw that I got is impressive. With a 50 deg tongue, I need accurate 12.5 and 25 deg cuts. This saw is spitting them out with amazing accuracy.


Quite impressed with this machine.


Will start squaring it up and tacking everything together next. If all is coming along, will put 2x2x11ga cross beams for the floor in once the frame is tacked together.


Ok, so day two. Spent a lot of time squaring up sides, pulling measurements, moving this 1/8" and that 1/4" and eyeballing etc. Time to make a decision and start cutting some metal.

I decided that the main, "square portion" of the trailer, before it starts angling in toward the tongue, would be 101" long.

"But why Buffalobwana, Why 101" long?"

" Because I didn't have 102" of steel! :victory:


This is an off-road trailer, but not necessarily an overland trailer or adventure trailer that needs to be light and compact. I am not rock crawling, and this trailer won't be going on any jeep trails, so, I can afford for it to be a little bit longer and a little bit heavier (within reason). I am kind of going for the "adventure trailer on steroids" look. I am pulling it with a 3/4 ton and it will have 8 lug wheels with a 3500 lb Timbren suspension.

Tacked a few crossmembers in place.


I pulled my measurements from corner to corner (the true test of a square) I used the middle member, both came out at exactly 85 1/2". I was very happy! So I tacked the rest of the crossmembers in to place.


I made a decision on my hitch. I built a dump trailer that has this exact hitch set up, so I figured if it was strong enough for that trailer, it will be plenty strong enough for this one. I welded a flat plate on the front of the tongue and then I will weld a channel that the lunnete ring bolts to.


I will weld this to the flat plate.


I set my 6' long sheet on the back to check for square and see how it would lay. Basically, it came out perfect. So, this is going to be the boxed area.


Now, lay the diamond plate on it and crawl around under it tracing the outline of the trailer on to the back of the sheet. Get up and pray that my torch has enough gas to complete this project. The needle was sitting on zero! (Still is!)


The torch didn't let me down! I got it cut, and used the grinder to remove most of the slag and imperfections from the edge, flipped it back over and set it in place.



So, everything that is diamond plate will be outside the box. I have a lot of room up here to work with. I can add width to it when I put in my fender flares and have room to park a quad sideways. Although that would take up a substantial amount of space ... that, and I don't own a quad.

Hey, just thinking long term here!

In reality, it will be for a generator, corn bags, coolers, gas cans, dead animals, etc. The final plan for the tongue is still in the works.

That's it for day 2. I'm beat.


Looking great! I have to admit, I have saw envy. First I found out about the Evolution saws and then I read the reviews suggesting the Morse saws... so nice...


Looking great! I have to admit, I have saw envy. First I found out about the Evolution saws and then I read the reviews suggesting the Morse saws... so nice...

Yeah, that saw just feels solid. You know when you feel quality. One thing i like about it is the deck is exactly 2" tall, not some odd height like my Old Milwaukee. So you can use a 2" piece of square tube to hold up the ends if you have it on a long level table. That helps a lot.

Oh, and it cuts fast and clean. I didn't touch the grinder once before I welded all of this together. The cuts are perfect.

One of those 12.5 deg cuts i made was so tight, I couldn't see the joint to weld it! That's tight!


I am keeping track of the weight of the project, as pictured, I am at 345lbs.

I am using 11 ga tubing (1/8") 2x4 for the outer frame and 2x2 for the crossmembers and 14 ga flat and diamond tread. I was concerned that it would be too heavy, but I think it is about right. Should have used 16 ga on walls and box lid.

The box and frame should weigh 675 total. This is just the steel. This is actually a bit lighter than I expected.

Add 50 lbs of extras steel here and there, bracing, racks hardware etc.
add a fridge 50
Add 200 for 2 batteries and a tongue box
Add 175 for a spare tire
Total box and frame and stuff, basically, everything above the suspension = 1050 lbs riding on 3500 lb suspension. That leaves a lot of room for some dead pigs!

From the frame down
Axles and brakes 175
Tires & wheels 250
Total curb weight 1475 lbs

I could have made it lighter here and there, in hindsight should have used 16 ga walls and lid on the box (I may actually change this, 14 ga is quite heavy) but that would only save 60 lbs.

I thought if I could keep it from going too much over 1500 I would be in luck. Looks like I can probably stay close to that mark.


Fed Ex man rolled my New Elgel Fridge off the truck. I cringed. It was fine.

Cow dog approved.


So I welded a square, set my shirt on fire twice and said. "Enough."


Took my new fridge outside to put in my truck, it rolled off the dolly and got it's very first road rash. I am not happy how this day is going.


Some days just are not as good as others.
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I decided to envision what a trailer with wheels will look like since Timbren is about two weeks from shipping my axles.


This is one of those days where you putt around not really knowing what to do next and then stuff just falls into place.

I decided to clamp some sheet metal to my back frame and see what it looked like.


Then I figured I would build the front. That seemed easy enough.


Then before you knew it, stuff just came together and started looking like a box. I clamped the sides to the bases and started welding.


End of the day I had a pretty solid start on my box. Its square, and tight.




My wife says it looks like a boat.



The tongue makes it look big becaused I decked it out all the way to the hitch. I am just taking advantage of every bit of frame possible for storage. Here, it's not tooooooo big, anyway, It makes for easier backing.



Fabbed some fenders from cardboard, went down to the metal shop and they made me a pair of diamond tread fenders for about $24 each! (no pics yet). Of course I did buy $1k worth of steel from them this week, so they are pretty good to me.




Ok, so I started on the bumper.

Cut out ovals for the lights using an actual light holder.


Sort of test fit everything together, Didn't want to push the lights in for fear I would battle to get them out. So, just gently pushed them in a bit.


They are pretty low profile when installed correctly.



Cut a couple diamond plate ends for the bumper, and cut a notch to allow water to drain out. With wiring and the nature of these lights, I am sure water will get in.


I like the ends.


I am having trouble liking the bumper. It comes out to the edge of the "shelf" that will be between the fender and the bumper. It is the exact width as the fenders, but ... I dunno. Something isn't right.


Also just placed the fenders in place to see if I could love the bumper any more. I guess it will work. I don't know. I may wind up cutting it down to frame width instead of fender and overall width.




colorado matt

I could see if you were to add a flat surface from fender to bumper to mount "X" but they seem to stick out kinda .... flush or just past even with box ..maybe a 45* cut viewing from the back might be cool


You know, it looks ok. But, it is asking to catch on something. I don't take it extreme offroading, but, I do take it places no mortal trailer should go.

I don't want to admit that it needs to be cut back to frame width or frame + 2" each side. But I think it really does. Ill come from the very end of the frame to the fender with a 45 degree shelf (just happens to be exactly 45 degrees the way I have it set up now).

I think I need to.

I wanted to 45 the bumpers bottom corners off, but I can't fit it in my saw. Maybe I will find a way. My torch went dry yesterday. I need more acetylene and oxygen.


On the advice of someone here, I went to McMaster Carr and ordered gas springs for the lid and some stainless hinges. Fast delivery. and the hinges are super nice, and relatively inexpensive.


I ordered 200 lb springs ... also on the advice of someone here. I am afraid it will be way too much. I cant even collapse them by putting all my weight behind them.

I guess with the angle and the weight of a 14 ga 4x6 lid, maybe I will need 200's? I guess that's ... a.) A mathematical problem I don't care to solve. or b) Try it and see.

I'll go with "All the above"!

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