Adventures of "Sally Ross" Fuso Camper by Phoenix Pop Up Campers PHXFG


Expedition Leader
Hey Butch as you get your daughter riding, you should find a way to share "best ways to get your kid on the trail". I'm just starting to hit that point and there is like Zero out there regarding good places to go, tricks and tips etc regarding getting the little ones riding dirt with you. Might make our first single track trip soon with my daughter on the trailer bike vs riding her rig, so she can gain confidence in the trail riding idea. Fingers crossed it works. Going super mellow smooth trails and slow. Then maybe she'll be into the idea of riding her own bike next time. Shes strong as an ox so its more confidence building that seems to be the big hurtle.

Thanks for sharing!!


Family Adventurer

Great idea! I'll put something together discussing our progressions over the last 3 years and let you know. We've got tons of photos and videos of the process, I just need to compile some thoughts.

We are gearing up for a run to Big Bend in a few weeks, and will be posting updates from the road. Hoping for tons of cool scenery, great mtn biking, and good nights drinking beer. I'm sure the trip won't disappoint.



4WDaus "tralia"
Agreed everyone, that rack is expensive for what it is, but it was what was available at the time, given a set of time constraints. Would be cheaper if you could make one up yourself, but we didn't have that luxury.
Anyway I hope this help, even if only a comparison point.
Cheers ..Steve


Crazy Person
Maybe one could purchase the Fuso Canter Steep Roof Leg Kit and fab up the rest.

One of the nice things about the Canter is that there are 4 mount points on the roof for a rack by default.
I would not waste my time on a leg kit if I were making my own roof rack (which I will be) as a simple flat plate with an upright is all that is required.


Expedition Vehicle Engineer Guy
Looks like you are having a great time. We cannot wait to get back out on the road with our Fuso, but still a couple of weeks.


Very cool! Further south we got hit with some very heavy, wet snow as well. How does the truck start in cold weather?


Family Adventurer
So far, I've not had any problem getting her to start. The duration the vehicle has sat in the cold without being started has varied between two weeks to a few days, with no problems. I was a little worried about that also.

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