Hello to everyone!!!!
Sorry i disappear for a while, i was very busy with a lot of stuff, including moving the camper from Langley to Pemberton, what was a big adventure... find a new job, and more stuff
SO we finally got the camper...!!!!:wings: and now is safe in home waiting for a truck...
We moved the camper from Langley on a crazy rainy day, the rear lights of campers didnt work, but the problem was not not the campe... the truck plug was broken, so we had to buy some lights, glow sticks and put it on the back of the camper!
We came back around 9 pm in one of the most rainy days ever on a non easy track , the sea to sky corridor in BC.
But we finally did it! It was a long day but it worst...
Now we make a list of the the things we need to buy for the camper and also a list of things than we want to improve.
I would like to share all this info with you guiys so you can help me a little bit.
Im already did a lot of research, so i have a good idea of what I want, but is always better to ask the experts...
Ok, lets start from the begining
1. LIFT SYSTEM This is first priority, because I broke the hand crank the second day. The original was really bad quality and I found than many owners had the same problem.
This is my idea> Im already bought a
heavy duty glide uo crank on ebay I want to make it stronger like this one
Here's an image of the destroyed crank, very bad quality, by HECO lift system...
PLUS I want to add roof lifting helper shocks. I found this is a
good idea
Im just wondering where is the best place to install the springs...
Any brand suggestions for the springs???
3. Battery. I want a deep cycle battery, i dont want to spend a lot of money on this item. There[s a lot of space for batteries on the camper, I was thinking, maybe 2??? Im still doing some research on this item... Any suiggestion???
2. Water heater. I can make the pilot turns ON, but when I move to ON position, its turn off. I wait 3 minutes and didnt work. I try everything you recommend me , but nothing works. I think i would have to replace something....
3.LED lights. We want to change all the inside lights to LED, I didnt do any research about this item yet
4. Lock system for doors, water heater, propane tank and rear fridge acces.
5. Solar Panel. I like the UNISOLAR 68 w. Is light, perfect for pop up and good price.
6. Fantastic fan vent. Can i use one of the roof vent than already have on the camper???, or do i have to make a new one??? Do i have to install a vent cover or is not necesary??? Wich model is the better and not so expensive??, i was thinking on the
Fan - Tastic Vent® Model 4000 with reverse
6.Waterproof paint for the roof
7. Water proof canvas spray
8. Change rusty pipes and bolts
9. Curtains, and new decoration :sombrero:
As you can see a LOT of things to do....
Any help is welcome!
I want to post pictures when I can manage to raise the roof... for now i just can put this one
This is me reading Kafka on the camper, just to check how comfortable is
The super big and comfortable bathroom
Outside view with the roof up :drool: