Air Options...


Starting to upgrade the JK again, and I am thinking about installing an on board air system. I have been looking around at different types and need some input..
-would not mind a aux tank in the vehicle or underneath..
-needs to be able to inflate 35's, a shredder, and possibly air tools later.
-pros/cons with powertanks vs installed air comp..

Thanks in adv.


08 AEV JK Unlimited


The only problem is your question is too open... The options are infinite. Though, I personally decided on a 12V compressor and 5 gallon tank and mounted them to my skid plate under neath for protection. A York, or similar belt driven compressor would be much more efficient and powerful, but a little bit more tricky for setup and maintenance.



Expedition Leader
Install a Kilby or York onboard air kit, never look back or wish you'd gone another route


New member
Having had on board air systems, the "best" or at least most expensive 12v pumps, etc...I now have a power tank, in my opinion is the only way to go. Mostly because I like fast, and it airs up fast (I run 35x12.50's). It is kind of a pain that you have to get it filled, but worth it every time I air up and everyone with 12v pumps are waiting and waiting....


Look up the Puma 1006. Love mine and am building it into the Jeep with two roof tanks for 6.5 gal's and 3.4cfm




I have the ARB compressor and there is a bracket that mounts it to the brake booster. It's a very clean/easy install and with the ARB tire inflation kit I can reach all four tires. I currently run the stock 32's and it will inflate them from 15 to 35 in around a minute per tire.
This company makes a bracket that mounts a small tank to the round crossmember on the front of the JK's.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Have a look at our [ame=""]"On Board Air"[/ame] Video series. There are 11 parts to the series. It will help you decide what you need depending on what you are doing, and selecting the right sized air compressor with an applicable duty cycle.


yeah I guess the question was a little vague, but whats been replied is what I was looking for.. Ideas, suggestions..

Not sure what direction Im heading but price is playing a factor...
2 8yr olds + X-Mas = roughly 500 budget..

Thanks to all for the replies and if you got something else keep it coming..


for $500 shop around for a 100% duty cycle AirRide compressor from an ambulance, HD truck, conversion van or fleet vehicle. they pop up on eBay or craigslist (and here) from time to time.


i don't know if anyone makes an engine driven compressor system for the JK, but having just researched 12v compressors quite a bit...

the Puma PD-1006 (ebay ~230) is your best start at a full system, it gets you a 100% duty cycle good compressor and pressure switch, solenoid, regulator, safety valve, etc. then you'll need to get a bigger tank, air line, splitters, misc fittings, drain, maybe a water separator and pressure release/blow-off valve, etc depending on exactly what setup you want to do. if you could afford the step up from the DC7000/pd-1006 to a DC9000 that would be really bad-***.

see this page for how all the variations of the same compressors and how they stack up:

and you might even get some ideas from my system (on at least not repeating any of my mistakes):


just a guy
In my Jeep and my Dakota I installed an inverter and am running a 110V aircompressor. Advantages include much lower rpm on the compressor (should last longer), 100% duty cycle, less noise, can be used around the house if not permanently mounted, and I have the inverter in the truck(s) for other things. I have a 3 gal tank and recoil hose unit to mount in the Jeep, but haven't gotten to it yet. In the Jeep the compressor is hard mounted under the hood. Thinking of moving that to a cooler place. In the Dakota the compressor is stowed in the back. On the Dakota, I use an extension cord, move the compressor near what I'm filling up, use a 3' air hose with gauge on it. Much smaller storage space required when you compare the extension cord to the air hose.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: This is a great setup and I've had mine for over 1½ years-

I have the ARB compressor and there is a bracket that mounts it to the brake booster. It's a very clean/easy install and with the ARB tire inflation kit I can reach all four tires. I currently run the stock 32's and it will inflate them from 15 to 35 in around a minute per tire.
This company makes a bracket that mounts a small tank to the round crossmember on the front of the JK's.

The position of the compressor is ideal for the JK, it's in the clear, draws clean air and gets plenty ventilation for cooling



:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO

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