ok, follow up questions for those of you who have used the bottle jacks....
1. instructions say (literally) that you need to oil them once or twice a month. seriously?
2. have you used the jack in freezing temps? what is the operating temp range of the jack? I looked in both the manual and googled and found no mention of it
3. playing with the thing in the store, i could pump it up a wee bit, then wander around for 10 min and when i'd come back, it was in the full down position. manual has repeated warnings to put jack stands under it immediately after raising vehicle. so... question is, if you have to have jack stands in addition to the bottle jack, why not just use something that takes up less space?
(2. I just had a friend test one in spokane where it is 2* currently. he said it worked fine. so i sort of expect a lot of "never had a problem" type responses. still curious if some combination of conditions will screw it up though. manual also says to keep the piston dry, which is unlikely to happen in whatever mud/snow i'm in when i need it)