Alaska 2009


Expedition Leader
In the summer of 1973 I spent 3 months in central Alaska as a construction worker, Ambulance driver and jail warden. Was able to visit some of the spots you went to. I'll try and did up some of the old photos, scan them and post them so you can see how much has changed.

The road into McCarthy and the Kennicott mines was a real challange with several deep river crossings. The final crossing just outside the town was where we had to park our vehicles and pull ourselves across the river in a small cart suspended by a single steel cable and two pullys. :Wow1:

Thanks for sharing so much personal experiences and great photos,

Explorer 1

They took out that old hand tram and put in a foot bridge now. I bet it was cool to see in the 70s!
You must have been doing some pre-pipeline construction work?
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Magnifcent Report

Magnifcant report I enjoyed it More thna words can say.

Would love to goto Alaska one day.


Tim AKA Gadgets:victory:


This is a fantastic read and photos!

I am also just beginning to do the research and planning for what I hope to be a 2012 trip to Alaska. Unfortunately I'll only have 3 weeks to do it. But it's posts like yours that will be very helpful in making preparations.

Thanks again!

Explorer 1

Explorer 1
Found some of the trip to McCarthy

Found these of what the trip to McCarthy was like in 1973. It was a two day journey back then from Glennallen. Back then Glennallen was just a small point at the crossroads.


We traveled in two vehicles, much of the time standing in the back of a flatbed ( I was much younger then). We camped in the open along the way.


At one crossing we stalled and fortunately there was a parked Bulldozer nearby that one of the guys knew how to operate. He then pushed us across and parked it where he found it.


One river crossing we had to drive across the old Railroad trestle. I chose to walk across instead of being a passenger!




The final river coming down from the glacier at McCarthy we had to pull ourselves across in this cart.


At the time I thought little of the adventure, just another day in Alaska!

Thanks and hope you enjoy the old photos,

Explorer 1

Explorer 1

Explorer 1
My summer in Glennallen

They took out that old hand tram and put in a foot bridge now. I bet it was cool to see in the 70s!
You must have been doing some pre-pipeline construction work?

Your right the pipeline was in it's holding stage at that time. I remember just east of town before the "Hub" you could see as far as your eye would allow a cut in the trees about 15 -20 feet wide where the pipeline was supposed to go someday. I also remember all the bumper stickers on cars and trucks that said "Sierra Club GO HOME!"

My construction was building Alaska Bible College at the time it was just a few rooms behind the hospital. We completed the first wing of their builidng before we left for the "lower 48" at the end of summer.

Explorer 1

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
Funny, I was just re-reading it myself. Very nice thread.

Also, Fred, thanks a lot for your photos and input! Very neat to see the old stuff.



Thanks for the comments and the old photo's were great. I used to keep keys for Cat, John Deere and Clarks equipment on me just to borrow something if I got stuck. It did come in handy a few times.

I had a bad realization yesterday. I was going to post a couple of pictures of the current condition of the bridges Fred crossed and I seem to have lost all my trip pictures. There was about 2500 of them ( I didn't bore you with the 1000 pictures of glaciers. I was saving that for when company came over). Of course I hadn't backed them up. I changed them from my laptop to another computer, so I'm hoping they are just misfiled.

I've got the main pictures still on Photobucket.

Life has changed dramatically and I am busy with work and may have to staff up again. But the wanderlust is getting pretty bad again.

Thanks again for the compliments.

Explorer 1

Explorer 1
Found a few more pics........

I was digging through a old drawer and found a few more old pics of my time in Alaska in 1973. Hopefully you'll enjoy these too! I can't believe It was over 37 years ago I was there!

Maybe you recognize some of the places.


Mananuska Glacier



FRED RUNGREE DAY Parade in Copper Center


Glennallen from the HUB


Fishwheel on the Copper River


Dave's Trading Post on the way to McCarthy



Road to Wonder Lake

Explorer 1


I'm glad you can use it. the only problem for me is reopening this thread and seeing Fred's old pictures. I get all nostalgic, and I wasn't even there back then.


One year later.

Little strange this morning, thinking of a year ago and the excitement to get going, the impatience of waiting at a slow fast food place and a construction zone. Just that feeling of let's get going.

This morning I'm sitting, sipping a cup of coffee and contemplating building trellis's for my tomatoes. The Alaskan isn't even sitting on the truck.

A year ago I had laid off my staff, put all my office in a storage unit due to no work. I have now set up a new office, restaffed and working 6 days a week. It has been a weird year.

Enough of my musings and I'm hoping everyone is having a safe and fun 4th of July.




Great read, enjoyed it!

I traveled all over the U.S. and Europe for years when I was younger and now live in FL. Family life and a few buss. ventures later, I'm getting that travel bug again but it's hard to cover enough ground over 2 wks. vacation, so I use it for hunting season. As you mentioned always wanting to take this Alaska trip, I have bird dogs now and want to hunt Pheasant in S.D. and was wondering if you could offer up some PM info. I use a conversion van for camping and try to keep it simple only staying at campgrounds every few days to clean up. We have lots of public land in FL where I hunt and was hoping to do the same in S.D. but as you know when on a time schedule and budget, you don't have enough time to spend your vacation scouting or pay a guide for a week. You have to rely on the locals for insider info.

I plan to hit Arkansas for some duck hunting and maybe deer then up to S.D. for a week of pheasant hunting. I have a GSP NAVHDA UT prize one dog which I plan to use for these hunts but would be willing to leave him in the box if able to hook up with some locals with good dogs. He is a great Quail dog but only been worked on pen raised pheasants may require small learning curve.

Any tips for a hunt in 2011 ?


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