Christophe Noel
Expedition Leader
The spray you want to find is called Counter Assault. She's a big can. Nasty, nasty, nasty stuff. Even when you successfully spray it, you invariably get a good dose yourself and it sucks. Imagine what it's like for the bear.
You can find it through REI or other outdoor gear suppliers in the US and Canada.
Funny bear spray story: The police in Skagway, AK are the butt of many jokes. During the spring the bears come out and eat dandy lions on the side of the road for hours. Citizens and police alike often see bears on the road side and spray them. It tells the bear not to hang out on the roadside where they can get run over and it gives humans a chance to try their skills at spraying bears. Usually keeps bears and less smart tourists from crossing paths, too. Sort of a win, win.
One day one of the Skagway cops rolled up next to a bear in his Police Blazer, grabbed his bear spray and aimed out the passenger window at the bear. Just as he started to spray he realized....."probably should have rolled down the window." He gassed himself in his closed car with a massive, gushing stream of pepper spray. Keep in mind this spray comes in a can the size of a small fire extinquisher!
I would have loved to see that bear's face. That cop was BUMMIN' for days.
You can find it through REI or other outdoor gear suppliers in the US and Canada.
Funny bear spray story: The police in Skagway, AK are the butt of many jokes. During the spring the bears come out and eat dandy lions on the side of the road for hours. Citizens and police alike often see bears on the road side and spray them. It tells the bear not to hang out on the roadside where they can get run over and it gives humans a chance to try their skills at spraying bears. Usually keeps bears and less smart tourists from crossing paths, too. Sort of a win, win.
One day one of the Skagway cops rolled up next to a bear in his Police Blazer, grabbed his bear spray and aimed out the passenger window at the bear. Just as he started to spray he realized....."probably should have rolled down the window." He gassed himself in his closed car with a massive, gushing stream of pepper spray. Keep in mind this spray comes in a can the size of a small fire extinquisher!
I would have loved to see that bear's face. That cop was BUMMIN' for days.
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