All Purpose Bus


Been looking for a motorcycle/ family hauler that can also tow and have space to travel with 3 bikes and 3 adults. Was looking at a 7.3 Type 2 as I did not want the family in a windowless box behind me. Neighbor ended up with one and I went over and measured, scoped everything out and it was just too tight. Friend of mine mentioned school bus and that brought back instant memories of wanting a short bus as a kid and converting it to 4X4 and haul stuff around in.
Started looking to see what was available and was hoping for a handycap E450 with the longer body. Found one at a surplus auction the weekend I was leaving town and was unfortunately able to make a bid or anything and it's sold for dirt cheap and was local.
Found a miss labeled E350 short bus at one of the local bus distributors but they wanted more than I would want to pay for an E350. Found a couple in the Midwest and a couple back East that I called on butt nobody followed through at the last second so nothing ever became of anything. Was about to give up and just go with a newer 6.NO when an ad appeared in the local Craigslist for the perfect bus.
2002 E450 Thomas handicap short bus. Came with two seats, working lift, 160000 miles and in good condition for a good price. So far all I have done is drive it from LA to Spokane with three motorcycles and a lot of stuff.
Will be getting a transmission cooler and engine upgrades in two weeks and a U-joint off-road 4 wheel drive conversion with 6-inch lift at the end of September.
Bikes loaded
After the trip I'm thinking I might add a small fridge or cooler and a sink. Ordered a cabinet from Home Depot but was not what I wanted so returned it and am looking for some thing else.


Does that lift work well for your bikes?
I had been warned by a few lift people (a couple wheelchair van conversion companies local to me) and a couple bus reps that I will blow my ram seals with my 400lb+ bikes but my 2 little BSAs n wife n daughters dirt bikes (all under 250lbs) I doubt it but have not tried nor will I except daughters.
The weight capacity is 850 lb, but the center of gravity is right up against the cab where as on a bike the center of gravity is more towards the curb which puts a lot more weight on the rams which blows the seals. I need to talk with the company and see about doing heavier-duty Rams but I got a feeling that's going to be out of my budget. I use a set of 10 ft ramps right now that fit the opening between the lift supports and it works just fine. I just need longer ramps for when I lift it.
I have been tempted to take the lift out but it is really nice to have as this is going to be my all-purpose bus used for everything so being as it will raise and lower four feet and will work with my U-Joint lift, I'm going to keep it so I don't have to break my back trying to put heavy things into the bus. I have already used it for a nice walk behind weed wacker, cherry picker, tool carts, and couple of other things while moving.
It is a very handy thing to have that I am very glad I ended up with cuz I was looking for a bus that had one already removed or not working so the price would be cheaper but got lucky and found this one that was fully functional. I was thinking about how to get rid of it up until the first time I used it.

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