Almost New Norcold (same as Engel) 60qt Fridge and Freezer WITH Heavy Duty Slider!!


OG Portal Member #183
No interest?? Make offers!

Would rather sell to a member then eBay or Craigslist!

Need this thing gone. Taking up way too much room in garage!



Can you approximate the volume that would be taken up, when mounted to the included slide? I suspect it's far bigger than what we could use; but I've been trying to talk myself into a 40-ish qt 12v fridge for a while ... and the wife likes the idea, so we all know that means it'll happen eventually. =P

I've got friends local to you, so you'd be off the hook for shipping logistics.


OG Portal Member #183
Not exactly sure what your asking here. Can ya please clarify. Thanks. Yeah. It takes up a lot of room. Too much to install where I wanted. I failed on this one. Now it's taken up room in my garage (fridge) and shed (slide).

I am recovering from c5/c6 neck surgery right now so I can't put it all back together for measurements. Sorry. I remember the slide adding about an extra 1 1/2" to the footprint of the fridge if that helps.

As for shipping logistics. Yeah. I won't even consider shipping this!! :)



I was hoping for overall measurements; sorry, probably should have been more clear ... but I can get the fridge info from their website (I assume), and with what you're saying about the slide adding ~1.5", that should answer the question. So no need to mess with it, especially given that you're recovering from surgery.

I'll take a look at all that, but given locational difficulties and what it sounds like about the size, I'm guessing the odds are slim that I'll be able to make an offer ... but here's a bump for a great deal!

Good luck with your sale; and more importantly, with your recovery.


OG Portal Member #183
I may have a older model ARB that is the 35? quart for partial trade if your interested?

Thanks, but i have abandoned the idea of trying to install a fridge in the Tundra, and am going to be out of work longer then expected due to injury and just really need the cash!



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I'm really looking for an ARB 47/50. This unit looks good but may be too big... I checked the website and they are no longer in production. I downloaded the owner's manual which was dated 2007. This is not exactly what I'm looking for but I could be interested in a good deal. Do you ever visit Las Vegas? I was just in San Diego last weekend. DOH! I wish I would have seen this when I was there. I'm meeting someone in Baker, CA this weekend. Give me a shout. PM or email me for phone #.


Jeffrey 8^)
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