Alu-Cab Has Landed In The USA!


Armchair Adventurer
I use 303 Protectant for all my exterior and interior cleaning. Great product which can be found at Waltmart and other auto stores.



Hill & Gully Rider
If you keep the awning mounted in the weather, dust & sunshine or really even stored somewhere, don't neglect the zipper. It is excellent quality, but still needs care. With the length involved - the complete length of awning - it is a critical component. It seals up the bag, so zipper problems are serious. You can feel some resistance build up making it more difficult to zip or unzip - that's dirt or grime and if neglected can lead to breaking teeth or jamming. Recommend cleaning or lubing on a regular basis. If unused for an extended period, I'd lube or clean before 1st deployment. I believe there are specific zipper lube & cleaning products - just google zipper maintenance or something similar to get a plethora of choices- even Amazon. I use a silicone spray or sometimes even WD40 in a pinch. Thing is - keep it clean & lubed to avoid the consequences of zipper negligence - it is very exposed and quite a lengthy run for a zipper.


Approved Vendor - OK4WD
Is Rino still around?
Curious if there will be an Alu-Cab deal for Black Friday.

Yes! Sorry just slammed these days with work.

We are going to run a promo of "but a Shadow Awn and receive a FREE mounting kit"


Yes! Sorry just slammed these days with work.

We are going to run a promo of "but a Shadow Awn and receive a FREE mounting kit"

No worries Rin, thanks for the reply.

On a semi-unrelated note, I'm building a Troopy. Is there a lead time on the Hercules top or do you carry these in stock? I may be looking to purchase in the next few months, figured I'd ask if in case I need to order ahead.



OK, yeah...I'm the type of guy that replies to his own post. :) I received my Shadow awning and installed it. After doing some measuring, there is hope for an enclosed wall kit. This is what I'm thinking (using the wall kit that we can buy from Alu Cab):
View attachment 442513

Sorry for my childish annotation. I don't do it often. This would be good for privacy (bathroom or change clothing). It would also leave my kitchen open. The large window might wrap around the corner a bit (I've tried to draw that)...but I could live with it. Would also need to fab something to close off the space above the north wall in the picture. Some light fab would be necessary. The math is pretty close. I think it will work.

Anyone know how tall the walls are on this kit? I didn't find it on the Interwebs.

Did you end up doing this? I am planning on basically the same layout only I am going to have it made with Silnylon so its lightweight, packs down and i can have a stove jack for a wood stove during hunting here in the mountains. Down side to this is its going to be expensive and I will likley have to have a silnylon roof made for the kit as well. I believe I have it figured out how to hang it though. Trying to piece together what others have done. One lacking thing about the wall kit is that its not fully enclosed. For 1200 dollars I want it full enclsoure. My diesel heater can heat an ARB type of awning room no problem, but if I have to have a custom room made I might as well have an option to use my backpacking wood stove, and then use the stove jack as a ducting hole for my diesel heater if i'm going that route.


Approved Vendor - OK4WD
No worries Rin, thanks for the reply.

On a semi-unrelated note, I'm building a Troopy. Is there a lead time on the Hercules top or do you carry these in stock? I may be looking to purchase in the next few months, figured I'd ask if in case I need to order ahead.


No worries! I typically keep one on hand, right now we do have stock but i would inquire about 10 weeks before you are ready so we can either hold one or get one on order so your not waiting! :)

Hey Rin,

Sent you and Craig three or four emails over the last couple months and got complete radio silence. I need a replacement lock for the AluCab canopy (someone tried to drill one of mine out), or at least an idea of where to look for one. None of the locksmiths I've shown the canopy to have any idea where to find a matching lock.

Sorry man, must have missed it drop me a mail with the serial number and i will see if we have them or need to order it up.


Went back through and read pretty much this entire thread. Did Alucab end up sealing those leaking rivets during production that were causing leaks for people? One fella on a RTT facebook group was telling me today his is moldy and always wet and claims Alucab told him to sell it if its bothering him. Im sure theres a bit more to the story but the water on the inside seems to be experienced by many. Im in Colorado where its pretty dry air, so I'm not so sure I need to worry about condensation as much. But if I would like to know if I'll need to self weather seal the tent if I still end up going this route. If I have to air my tent out every day whether i'm using it or not, that would get annoying fast. The tent will be up there full time.

To be clear, I don't think having to seal it myself is all that big of a deal. I buy expensive Tipis from Kifaru International and have to seam seal those myself. I just want to know if its still necessary.


Tsnider mine's been on my Tacoma full time always outside in the midwest for a year I've had very little issue. I took out the mattress and threw in a megamat or my cot in the summer. Any issues I've had have been from me putting the tent away wet and not airing out or throwing something up there mainly the ladder while wet none of my issues have been from water intrusion. Have they fixed the problems permanently? no idea but mine is great. I usually air out the tent every couple of weeks it's as simple as popping 2 latches and giving it a push I don't find it annoying at all. I've been super happy with mine.

Clinton Morse

New member
... mine's been on my Tacoma full time always outside in the midwest for a year I've had very little issue. I took out the mattress and threw in a megamat.... I've been super happy with mine.

Are you using the regular Megamat or the Megamat Duo? I'm seriously considering the canopy camper and the stated bed dimensions are just a hair wider than the width of the Duo - curious how much wiggle room there is or if the sides are tight when closing...


I'm using the 30" megamat mainly solo but I have a duo and can try and stuff it up there and see if it fits. My guess is it won't the mattress on the alu cab rtt kind of tucks under a lip but it might and I need to find out in case I ever need to sleep two up there. The canopy camper could be completely different though.


Approved Vendor - OK4WD
Went back through and read pretty much this entire thread. Did Alucab end up sealing those leaking rivets during production that were causing leaks for people? One fella on a RTT facebook group was telling me today his is moldy and always wet and claims Alucab told him to sell it if its bothering him. Im sure theres a bit more to the story but the water on the inside seems to be experienced by many. Im in Colorado where its pretty dry air, so I'm not so sure I need to worry about condensation as much. But if I would like to know if I'll need to self weather seal the tent if I still end up going this route. If I have to air my tent out every day whether i'm using it or not, that would get annoying fast. The tent will be up there full time.

To be clear, I don't think having to seal it myself is all that big of a deal. I buy expensive Tipis from Kifaru International and have to seam seal those myself. I just want to know if its still necessary.

The original eight tents we first imported were the first Gen III tents manufactured and they had rivets in the tread plate section above the headliner. All eight eventually had leaks and were replaced for the customers back in 2015. It was a mistake, but we learned from it and we feel the Gen III sealing surface makes it nearly impossible for water or dust intrusion.

As per the guy who was told that by Alu-Cab, I find that highly unlikely coming from HQ and would be happy to chat with him. Like mentioned below, you will need to air it from time to time especially if you are in a damp environment where it may be being put away wet. Since it is sealed completely with a rubber gasket, how you put it away is how it stays and if wet you could get mold or mildew if not aired out when conditions improve.

Tsnider mine's been on my Tacoma full time always outside in the midwest for a year I've had very little issue. I took out the mattress and threw in a megamat or my cot in the summer. Any issues I've had have been from me putting the tent away wet and not airing out or throwing something up there mainly the ladder while wet none of my issues have been from water intrusion. Have they fixed the problems permanently? no idea but mine is great. I usually air out the tent every couple of weeks it's as simple as popping 2 latches and giving it a push I don't find it annoying at all. I've been super happy with mine.


The original eight tents we first imported were the first Gen III tents manufactured and they had rivets in the tread plate section above the headliner. All eight eventually had leaks and were replaced for the customers back in 2015. It was a mistake, but we learned from it and we feel the Gen III sealing surface makes it nearly impossible for water or dust intrusion.

As per the guy who was told that by Alu-Cab, I find that highly unlikely coming from HQ and would be happy to chat with him. Like mentioned below, you will need to air it from time to time especially if you are in a damp environment where it may be being put away wet. Since it is sealed completely with a rubber gasket, how you put it away is how it stays and if wet you could get mold or mildew if not aired out when conditions improve.

Thanks for the reply,

Yeah I got the impression the guy might have been blowing his side of the story up a bit. I ordered the tent and awning from you guys Tuesday. Looking forward to a quick camp setup. Thanks Rino


Approved Vendor - OK4WD
Thanks for the reply,

Yeah I got the impression the guy might have been blowing his side of the story up a bit. I ordered the tent and awning from you guys Tuesday. Looking forward to a quick camp setup. Thanks Rino

Awesome man and congrats! LMK if you have any questions installing it and thanks for the support. (y)

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