No, THIS is the video you need to see
Whilst I'm delighted that the BBC4 Timeshift video footage is introducing people to the 'First Overland' experience, don't be misled... this isn't the best-produced and most accurate piece of work.
The interviews are good -- well shot and appropriate. But after that they just 'wallpapered' around them with random footage from the original film that BB shot for the BBC in 1955/56. There was NO attention paid to chronology or geography, with totally inappropriate shots (allegedly) illustrating the interviews. There was even (if you look closely) some footage of a grey/orange Series 2, which was impossible for an expedition which was completed by late 56! (In fact, this was some footage from a later expedition that BB and Tim Slessor went on, and was on the end of the tape that BB supplied to the BBC. The opening shots of the programme, with the barge and the monks, are also NOT from the 1955 expedition.)
OK, I'll come clean and admit that I'm the guy who had the great honour of re-mastering BB's footage for DVD. I tried as far as possible to follow the same timeline as the original BBC broadcasts (not always totally accurate chronology even in the original, as some items (eg putting up the tent) were shot on the return journey), and CERTAINLY I electronically re-made 2003 'film cement' edits which had become visible over time -- the Beeb didn't do that.
I also have interviews with ALL the surviving Expedition members, and an extra about what it took for BB to make the original film, and the background story to the DVD.
So, much as the BBC4 programme was welcomed, for the DEFINITIVE version you'll need to buy the DVD. I won't be so crass as to promote my own website, but someone else has mentioned it in this thread, and you'll be welcome to visit (and perhaps buy online).
Teeafit Sound & Vision, Yorkshire