Ambulance switch labeling ideas or solutions


I think you are looking for a DPDT switch. It has 6 terminals, but it's commonly used with polarity reversal applications. If you buy one with the center "off:, then you should be good to go. A DPDT switch is easy to find - Blue Sea ( is a good source - check on line for the part number, then go to Amazon and search for Blue Sea XXXX for a price.
Thanks Bob. Do you know what model or version of rocker switches we have so I can match them. I guess yours may be different if it's not a wheeled coach.


Next switch question.
For those of you who have moved switches without using the original backing plate. How did you mount them? The tolerance is very tight on the existing mount. I think the most frustrated I've gotten thus far is when I pulled two of the switches out of that aluminum plate. It took half an hour and many special words. My switch panel is mounted horizontally so I of course want to mount them vertically.


Thanks Bob. Do you know what model or version of rocker switches we have so I can match them. I guess yours may be different if it's not a wheeled coach.
I have a Medic Master, so the switches would be different. You could check with Select Tech Ambulance's on-line parts listing to see if they have what you need


You had me going there for a minute!!
A six pole toggleswitch is very uncommon...
Poles are not same thing as terminals.
”Pole” of a switch is its common terminal. ”Throw” is companion terminal of a pole.
Here is a fair tutorial,
Might help out identifying at a parts catalogue.

You can google images ”polarity reversal swtich wiring” to find many examples of how to connect.
Thanks for straightening me out on that one. This has been a very informative thread for me. Appreciate it.


You had me going there for a minute!!
A six pole toggleswitch is very uncommon...
Poles are not same thing as terminals.

Haha! Now you know why I guessed scene light master control... the zombie light switch. I was guessing he wanted to turn on 6 scene lights (2 on each side and two on the back... darn, even the math lined up to mislead me!) while still maintaining the ability to switch each one independently. Knowing a six-pole switch was like a unicorn, I was thinking diodes... relays... pixie dust. :)

Thanks for thinking more deeply!


Expedition Leader
I have a spare switch out of an older Ambo which will do what you want. It is a on-off-on polarity reversing switch. Positive and negative to the ends and output for solenoid out the middle.

But if you only need a momentary action and not constant supply you could consider power window switches.

Let me know if this one would work and I will head up to the post office and send it off.




I have a spare switch out of an older Ambo which will do what you want. It is a on-off-on polarity reversing switch. Positive and negative to the ends and output for solenoid out the middle.

But if you only need a momentary action and not constant supply you could consider power window switches.

Let me know if this one would work and I will head up to the post office and send it off.

Very kind of you Ozrockrat. I pm'd you so we don't clutter up this thread.


Rendezvous Conspirator
I have a label maker but I want something that will look factory and fit the switch exactly. I'm leaning towards clear acrylic printer medium. I found a place that will even make the little labels to size. With some work I should be able to print what ever I want on each label. Samples are on the way. If I go this route I'll get plenty of extras.

One thing that may help with the "factory look" is to make sure you get a label maker that will work with the right colors. My GM dash is all white lettering, so I use a Brother label maker with TZe style tape cartridges that print "White on Clear". The clear tape disappears so you just see white lettering on the plastic. Looks very stock unless you look very carefully (much more than black-ink-on-white-tape labels anyhow).

I'll try to remember to shoot a photo.


Thanks Gents. I'm ashamed to say I still haven't called or taken it any further. I did get some sample printer paper in many different "textures". I've been too busy working on the outside of the truck. The summer heat is coming fast and I want to be working on the inside. Got the new a/c system installed yesterday. I'll get on the switches soon.


I did my search but didn't find anything.

For those fellow ambulance owners out there. I assume most of you are using the original switches like I am. If so, how are you dealing with the labels. If I use my "cot light" switch for my water pump I'd sure like the label to read water pump. Anyone figure out how to make labels or find a place that sells replacements. I'm considering spending some hours on the computer trying to make up my own then print them on some special media. I'd rather spend that time putting in windows.

While I'm talking about switches. I'm looking for a 6 pole double throw switch (I think) in the ambulance rocker style. Anybody have an extra? I have a couple two position switches like siren primary/secondary, but the second side of the switch is just for a light in the switch and signal for other lights.

I measured my existing labels, then created new ones on Publisher. White lettering on a black background, then I saved it as a JPEG. Once it's printed by Walmart or equivalent, I just snip out the labels.

Switch labels.jpg


Those look good and it all sounds so simple.

I have another question for the masses. My switches are set up horizontally and I need them vertical. Did you guys all mount them in the same orientation they came in? I need them in portrait rather than landscape. 3 to 4 switches wide with a space between rows. Anyone know where to get these mounting plates? I have a friend who can make them but it would be time consuming and expensive.


Those look good and it all sounds so simple.

I have another question for the masses. My switches are set up horizontally and I need them vertical. Did you guys all mount them in the same orientation they came in? I need them in portrait rather than landscape. 3 to 4 switches wide with a space between rows. Anyone know where to get these mounting plates? I have a friend who can make them but it would be time consuming and expensive.
Look up AutoEC rocker panels. You can snap them together in various arrangements..... they have all kinds of gizmo's to snap it all nicely together with and lock them tight. You can get them at autoparts stores too. More than one company makes them like this.
again... this panel snaps together... and you can combine panels.. you can have 5, 12 or how ever many you want snapped together in various ways
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kodiak conversionator
i reused a portion of the center console panel then moved them to the dash - used the 3m panel adhesive to attach the cut-outs to backing aluminum (so the cut-outs are exact / the backing is just to keep everything locked together). i kept mine vertical but you could just as easily change it over to horizontal. then i sanded it to keep it level and used carbon fiber look vinyl wrap to finish it off. still need to re-label those and the led warning lights ... somehow sharpie on masking tape seems to ruin the final finish a bit ;)

sorry don't have a pic of the finished version this is all i could find right now


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