It's almost a perfect fit (could be longer but not wider). I like how it ends where the rounded roof edges start. But yes, that tent is massive! So glad I decided not to use my small Airtop and wait for the right deal to come around. On the length I cut as much as I could and it basically opens up all the "walking/working" area from where you enter from the side door to where the raised dinette floor starts (which is no biggies as I just sit or sleep there).
I cut the tent foam today and dropped it to be upholstered with Sunbrella (excellent outdoor material). Still have a bunch of stuff to do before I can take a break;
- cover the interior roof opening
- cover with carpet the 3 floor boards
- cut a new hole and re-mount the roof vent
- re-insulate
- cut and install new ceiling panels
- re-install all the upper cabinets
- finish painting the interior.
These are the tasks I want to finish before driving to Arizona 2nd week of March.
There's other projects to complete but they can wait a few months. Yup, still need to mount my front LED bar, finish the transition wall between the cab and the box, relocate and complete the installation of my Espar and finally, finish my veggie conversion including 2 new fuel tanks. No wonder my wife complains I don't spend enough time working on our house