this company makes a sleek dock mount for lots of tablets:
i use one of theirs for my Sony Z2 10.1" tablet and it is my stereo system, on-road nav, and off-road gps with topo maps. before that i had a XOOM with a custom made similar dock. before that it was a laptop with a dock hooked to a touchscreen. i've always done things this way so i can take the device inside inside to download maps, or over to the campfire to discuss routes, or review photos, or let the kid watch a movie, etc.
I want coaxle cable coming in from cable or dish, HDMI going out. RCAs for sound. The docking station needs to be like the back of my TV. It needs to take the place of my dish receiver, my DVD, stereo, security. All of it. Set the tablet in place. Just the TV, tablet and docking station. Nothing else.