Another, another which wheel. MRAP on a 550?


Reading Beef Cakes build thread. And again like Java I'm still looking. At my local tire shop I saw a new 19.5" tire from Toyo that isn't even listed on their website. Its a nice aggressive 245 70 19.5 but over $650.00/tire. I found MRAP wheels and adapters right next door here at Western Canada Rockwell. Does anyone know if MRAP wheels have the required offset to run as singles on a F550?


I talked to Western Canada Rockwell in Red Deer which is right next to me. They make adapters' for $80.00 Canadian each. I talked to them About the MRAP and sounds like they'll work. Since they're so close they told me I can come and try a set they have and see how they fit.


I've been up close to an MRAP, everything on that thing is monstrous and overbuilt. Any idea what one MRAP wheel weighs?


kodiak conversionator
the aluminum 2 piece military wheels are surprisingly light - i have the stryker wheels like in Beefcake's build, they're way lighter than the steel inner 22.5's i ended up using, and about the same as the alcoa aluminum 22.5's. too bad they weren't the right backspace for a kodiak/topkick but i hope to use them on another truck someday


the aluminum 2 piece military wheels are surprisingly light - i have the stryker wheels like in Beefcake's build, they're way lighter than the steel inner 22.5's i ended up using, and about the same as the alcoa aluminum 22.5's. too bad they weren't the right backspace for a kodiak/topkick but i hope to use them on another truck someday

Do you know if there's much difference between the Stryker and the MRAP in offset? The fellow at WCR said that guys reverse the inner mounting plate on the rim for the rear wheels and you can also mount the plate inside or outside the rim to gain or loose a little as well.


kodiak conversionator
yes you can mount them either direction to change the offset - unfortunately on my kodiak doing that with the stryker wheels moves the fronts further out and the rears further in so it staggers the track front to back rather than helping. I don't know the difference from stryker to mrap though, but there are other combos and adapters available for the military beadlocks - for instance there are steel beadlocks that exist for my rig (bolt pattern/hub bore) that are zero offset and would be perfect ... but they're very hard to find (there was a guy on ebay selling them months ago for $500/ea .... at the time i thought that was ridiculous ... i'd buy them in a heartbeat now)

not sure how the offset on the 550's works but Andy (beefcake) will chime in I think he's back home by now


yes you can mount them either direction to change the offset - unfortunately on my kodiak doing that with the stryker wheels moves the fronts further out and the rears further in so it staggers the track front to back rather than helping. I don't know the difference from stryker to mrap though, but there are other combos and adapters available for the military beadlocks - for instance there are steel beadlocks that exist for my rig (bolt pattern/hub bore) that are zero offset and would be perfect ... but they're very hard to find (there was a guy on ebay selling them months ago for $500/ea .... at the time i thought that was ridiculous ... i'd buy them in a heartbeat now)

not sure how the offset on the 550's works but Andy (beefcake) will chime in I think he's back home by now

Thanks For the info. I hope Andy jumps in. He has some real world experience there. As soon as I get my box back on I'm going to go to Red Deer to see WCR and try fitting some wheels/tires then I can decide.


I have some MRAP aluminum wheels, Hutchinson part # 1326. These are 10" rim width, 4" offset and weigh 75 lbs.
I believe your F550 rear axle overall width is 74".
The center in these wheels is 1" thick, so if you mount them with the "big dish" out, plus the center thickness, plus say a 1/2" adaptor you get an effective offset of 5 1/2" (4 + 1 + 1/2).
This means wheel centers at 85". Plus width of 335/80R20 (13") means 98" overall width.
If you mount the adaptor "inside" the wheel, then the offset would be 4", so overall tire width would be 95".
Note also that in normal duals, the load on the axle bearings is "centered" between the duals, at axle width, 74". Going wide singles moves this load out to the center of the new wheel - about 85" or 82" depending on the way you mount the spacers. This will put added load on the bearings.
Not sure what front axle overall width is, but say 90" for sake of calculation (substitute actual number).
Mount wheels "big dish" in, with 1/2" adaptor plate gives offset of either 3 1/2" (4 - 1/2), or 5" (4 +1" center thickness) depending on which side of wheel center you bolt adaptor plate.
So wheel centerline would be 90 - 7", or 90 - 10". 83" or 80".
Add tire width of 13 gives 96" or 93" overall width (assuming 90" overall axle width).

I think this calculation is right.....

I think the Alum MRAP wheels at 75 lbs are not too bad. These are the ones with the CTIS (see link). The stock steel wheels are about 65 lbs (but don't forget the additional weight of the adaptor....)
There's also a heavier wheel at about 90 lbs.
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New member
Thanks For the info. I hope Andy jumps in. He has some real world experience there. As soon as I get my box back on I'm going to go to Red Deer to see WCR and try fitting some wheels/tires then I can decide.
Hello! I am looking on the same wheel combo like you (mrap hutchinson with mpt 81 , just curious if it is possible to make them fit Ford f550 2003 and if you went this way or not? Thanks // Markus


In the end with adapters and the cost here in Canada I felt it better/ cheaper to go with a proven set up. Ordering 1st attack in the spring.


New member
In the end with adapters and the cost here in Canada I felt it better/ cheaper to go with a proven set up. Ordering 1st attack in the spring.
Thanks for responding! Totally understand, trick for me is that I am located in Sweden and can get a set of (5) mrap with mpt81 for equivalent to 4300cad and my quotes from 1st attack runs way higher even with no freight solution. I am just bit worried that the mrap ET is way off so the idea with adaptors won't be able to sort it out.... ( can access both laser cutting and machine work pretty easy) Just trying to get more knowledge in this subject. Thanks // Markus


I'm in Canada and 5 MPT 81 will run me about 4300 tires alone. The MRAP's are 350 each, and the adapter to go from my lug pattern are 100 each plus another 70 per wheel for the bolt kit!, And like you I'm unsure they'll work!


Well-known member
last week there was a fellow in my neck of the woods with a big 6x6 cabover sporting a global X on back. he had blown out one rear tire and was apparently unable to find anyone local to repair/replace. poor guy spent a week on the side of the hwy. waiting for someone to help. point is the more exotic/specialized the rim/tire combo the harder it might be to find a replacement when needed. i travel a lot of deserted dirt roads in the desert and rest easy knowing i have 7 tires that can be moved around where needed. they dont look cool and are not the best in the sand however to date they have served me fine.

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