In just 4 short weeks, I'll be hitting the road from MA to CO for what is sure to be another unexciting affair...thousands of miles of well maintained highways, comfortable accomodations, well prepared meals, and helpful characters...all conspiring to prevent me from penning a truly epic tale of adventure and heroism...dooming me to a life of bland doubt due to an obsessive compulsive need for over-preparation.
I wouldn't bother reading this if I were you. Sure, there will be lots of photos and colorful prose about mundane things that I will try to make exciting, but in the end, I'll probably just drive need of a hair cut.
Then again, the trip hasn't even started yet. There is still the possibility for things to go wildly, horribly problems...motorcycle poisoning...flea bag motels full of meth-heads...incarceration...Big Foot sightings...homoerotic cowboy photos...animal attacks...or really bad sunburn.
It's all out there. It could happen. I'm open to the experience and I'm willing to document it fully...even the embarassing parts...especially the embarassing parts. Maybe it won't suck. It probably will...
A little background...
I took a motorcycle trip out from Massachusetts to Colorado (Link to my Silly Story)a couple years ago with a coworker and documented our utter lack of adventure on another forum. To my continued surprise, the ride report was well received and I was rewarded with some curious feedback in the way of invitations...from complete join them on other motorcycle trips. A strange development when you consider that the bulk of my ride report involved ridiculing my travel partner at length. I'm not sure who would want to sign up for that kind of derision during precious vacation time, but there were (and continue to be) quite a few. A lot of weirdos out there.
One such weirdo is LaDue. This gentleman contacted me with an invitation to join him and his merry troop of Iowegans (????) on an annual pilgrimage to ride dirt, eat food, talk **********, and drink beer in Colorado. The notion of traveling cross-country to meet a bunch of complete strangers...and then to travel with said strangers into the remotest backcountry locales...where no one would hear my screams...seemed ridiculous at first. time passed...and the brevity of life wore heavily on my desire for adventure overpowered my sense of caution...and I signed on. This is the tale of that trip.
So here's the plan...
On 8 July, I will throw my dirt bike on the back of my car and I will drive from Massachusetts to Colorado as others have done countless times before. I will eat many country-fried steaks. I will drink vast quantities of Mountain Dew. I will be polite and outgoing in my interactions along the way. I will probably overpack for every possible contingency, but forget some key item like the ignition key to my motorcycle. I will arrive Gunnison, CO on or around 11July. I will introduce myself to a group of potentially sociopathic strangers (Surviving the Game). We will ride. I will fall down. I will bleed. I will capture it all on my trusty helmet cam. We will eat. We will drink. We will laugh (I hope). Somewhere around the 17th, having logged hundreds of miles on mountain passes...having worn the knobbies right off of my D606s...having narrowly escaped lightning strikes and wild beasts...I will drag my tired self back to Massachusetts and return to work promptly on 20July. There's almost zero potential for adventure, but I'm still hopeful.
There are a couple early plot twists...
1. I don't even have the car yet. I've been waiting months while it was manufactured in some far off land and then transported half way around the world...only to be stuck in Newark, NJ.
2. I have yet to even test my motorcycle carrier. I'll probably lose the bike somewhere along the highway. I'll take plenty of photos if that happens.
3. My father is coming along for the ride. We haven't spent any significant time together in the past 30 years. I'm not even sure that we like one another. I haven't the slightest idea how that will play out. Could add an extra component of drama as I live out my own personal Field of Dreams.
I'm hoping to document as I go...certainly for the preparation stage...and then as WiFi/cell service allows. I sincerely hope that I don't disappoint. I love not knowing what will come. If setting expectations well in advance of the actual trip seems like an open invitation to disaster, well, that's what I'm going for. Wish me luck!
I wouldn't bother reading this if I were you. Sure, there will be lots of photos and colorful prose about mundane things that I will try to make exciting, but in the end, I'll probably just drive need of a hair cut.
Then again, the trip hasn't even started yet. There is still the possibility for things to go wildly, horribly problems...motorcycle poisoning...flea bag motels full of meth-heads...incarceration...Big Foot sightings...homoerotic cowboy photos...animal attacks...or really bad sunburn.
It's all out there. It could happen. I'm open to the experience and I'm willing to document it fully...even the embarassing parts...especially the embarassing parts. Maybe it won't suck. It probably will...
A little background...
I took a motorcycle trip out from Massachusetts to Colorado (Link to my Silly Story)a couple years ago with a coworker and documented our utter lack of adventure on another forum. To my continued surprise, the ride report was well received and I was rewarded with some curious feedback in the way of invitations...from complete join them on other motorcycle trips. A strange development when you consider that the bulk of my ride report involved ridiculing my travel partner at length. I'm not sure who would want to sign up for that kind of derision during precious vacation time, but there were (and continue to be) quite a few. A lot of weirdos out there.
One such weirdo is LaDue. This gentleman contacted me with an invitation to join him and his merry troop of Iowegans (????) on an annual pilgrimage to ride dirt, eat food, talk **********, and drink beer in Colorado. The notion of traveling cross-country to meet a bunch of complete strangers...and then to travel with said strangers into the remotest backcountry locales...where no one would hear my screams...seemed ridiculous at first. time passed...and the brevity of life wore heavily on my desire for adventure overpowered my sense of caution...and I signed on. This is the tale of that trip.
So here's the plan...
On 8 July, I will throw my dirt bike on the back of my car and I will drive from Massachusetts to Colorado as others have done countless times before. I will eat many country-fried steaks. I will drink vast quantities of Mountain Dew. I will be polite and outgoing in my interactions along the way. I will probably overpack for every possible contingency, but forget some key item like the ignition key to my motorcycle. I will arrive Gunnison, CO on or around 11July. I will introduce myself to a group of potentially sociopathic strangers (Surviving the Game). We will ride. I will fall down. I will bleed. I will capture it all on my trusty helmet cam. We will eat. We will drink. We will laugh (I hope). Somewhere around the 17th, having logged hundreds of miles on mountain passes...having worn the knobbies right off of my D606s...having narrowly escaped lightning strikes and wild beasts...I will drag my tired self back to Massachusetts and return to work promptly on 20July. There's almost zero potential for adventure, but I'm still hopeful.
There are a couple early plot twists...
1. I don't even have the car yet. I've been waiting months while it was manufactured in some far off land and then transported half way around the world...only to be stuck in Newark, NJ.
2. I have yet to even test my motorcycle carrier. I'll probably lose the bike somewhere along the highway. I'll take plenty of photos if that happens.
3. My father is coming along for the ride. We haven't spent any significant time together in the past 30 years. I'm not even sure that we like one another. I haven't the slightest idea how that will play out. Could add an extra component of drama as I live out my own personal Field of Dreams.
I'm hoping to document as I go...certainly for the preparation stage...and then as WiFi/cell service allows. I sincerely hope that I don't disappoint. I love not knowing what will come. If setting expectations well in advance of the actual trip seems like an open invitation to disaster, well, that's what I'm going for. Wish me luck!
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