I agree.
Spacers are also non-compliant with current DOT regs and reputable tire shops won't mount a tire if you have spacers.
Wheels are just too cheap these days to justify spacers. Especially when your talking about saving steelies that are too narrow anyhow. Go lighter, go stronger, get new wheels and solve all your problems at once.
While I agree that DOT regs state that wheel spacers are prohibited, I don't necessarily believe that they are unsafe. Plenty of people have run them with little issue, and the ones that do have failures are 99% from improper install.
Wheels are cheap, but not as cheap as wheel spacers. I doubt any tire shop will give you a hard time, our Toyota dealer services our trucks and they have never denied us service because of them. Even the local Jeep dealer doesn't beat us up, and they're worse than Toyota.