You had my curiosity as well, so I downloaded the
manual for that radio... I don't seem to be seeing anything in there about it being able to compensate (tune) for a poor SWR, all I see is that it has a simple meter built in to check what your SWR currently is, along with a "Pass/Fail" diagnostic test (maybe this is where you got confused about adjusting the SWR from the radio?).
As was said, SWR is governed solely by your antenna system (the antenna itself, the coax cable and connections, and your antenna's ground system (the antenna bracket and the structure it's mounted to)). Once you have everything grounded good and your door bonded to the rest of the vehicle body, it should drop your SWR to less than 1.5:1. If it doesn't then you might check that you don't have a cable problem (poor shield connection at the connector) or that the antenna itself isn't faulty (somewhat rare).
Looks like Mashurst was looking it up at the same time lol
Yeah it appears to be just a normal everyday SWR meter... You key the transmitter, "calibrate" the meter by adjusting the indicator to the "CAL" mark on the meter, then set it to "SWR" and key up the xmit again to read your SWR. Uniden's wording in the manual seems a little off for some reason, like maybe whoever wrote it wasn't sure exactly how to word it. No matter how may times you do it, nothing will change if you don't also adjust the antenna itself each time (maybe is the part they forgot).