Impressive undertaking. Are you able to enjoy the downtime in the city, etc.?
Haha... Very little. After 60 hours a week, I am waisted and hardly find the energy to go junkyard shopping on sundays [the biggest second hand car market in Bolivia].
But I scored a new clutch disc today! And Saturday I bought a complete original gasket set for the engine. Diesels are not that common here at 4.000 meter.
And I encountered the BBC Land Cruiser this afternoon! Images comming soon...
Thank you guys for the moral support, I sure need that. If you want to support some more... buy some postcards from our website..
More images:
Karin-Marijke and I are checking all the wires, cleaning them, replacing bad ones and make slight improvements.
Esteban is welding the reinforcements in the floor. We have opted for beams all the way across.
With a big disk he is trying to cut two layers at once. I think the disk needs to be replaced as it is not that sharp anymore.
Look what was sitting in front of one of my favorite shops. A FJ45. I don't see long bodies that much here in Bolivia, and when I do, most always it will be a pick-up. I have never seen a hard top long body. These long bodies are used as workhorses and hardly ever for sale here. The more popular short wheel based are called 'jeeps' here.
The 'San Pedro' district is full of these little parts shops. There isn't a big store where you walk in and ask what you want and walk out with it. No you just have to visit all the shops and hope you find your part. They most certainly don't know what their neighbor is selling, but will always refer you to it as the shop that has the part you are looking for.
Custom made burglar solution. Apparently it is needed to keep nosy people out of your engine bay. I did buy something similar, but I don't know if I am going to install it. It kind of messes with the lovely look the nose has.
These are the hinches of the front doors. I had them fitted with brass bushings. They wont budge now, but I hope that when the doors are attached that that will change. The original plastic ones came out in pieces.
These retainers which keeps the hood in place have a very strong spring inside. The old once were rusted and missing the little rubbery things. I bought these for about 8 dollars the pair.
The original logo's of the rear. I have to look if I can paint them nicely one way or another. New they are available, but will cost a fortune, or as they tend to say her 'vale un Potosi' because of the big silvermines in Potosi. These logo's and names are riveted on the cars here, I don't know why, maybe they steal them here?