Antique Land Cruiser on the road since 2003


Impressive undertaking. Are you able to enjoy the downtime in the city, etc.?

Haha... Very little. After 60 hours a week, I am waisted and hardly find the energy to go junkyard shopping on sundays [the biggest second hand car market in Bolivia].

But I scored a new clutch disc today! And Saturday I bought a complete original gasket set for the engine. Diesels are not that common here at 4.000 meter.

And I encountered the BBC Land Cruiser this afternoon! Images comming soon...

Thank you guys for the moral support, I sure need that. If you want to support some more... buy some postcards from our website.. :)

More images:

Karin-Marijke and I are checking all the wires, cleaning them, replacing bad ones and make slight improvements.


Esteban is welding the reinforcements in the floor. We have opted for beams all the way across.


With a big disk he is trying to cut two layers at once. I think the disk needs to be replaced as it is not that sharp anymore.


Look what was sitting in front of one of my favorite shops. A FJ45. I don't see long bodies that much here in Bolivia, and when I do, most always it will be a pick-up. I have never seen a hard top long body. These long bodies are used as workhorses and hardly ever for sale here. The more popular short wheel based are called 'jeeps' here.


The 'San Pedro' district is full of these little parts shops. There isn't a big store where you walk in and ask what you want and walk out with it. No you just have to visit all the shops and hope you find your part. They most certainly don't know what their neighbor is selling, but will always refer you to it as the shop that has the part you are looking for.


Custom made burglar solution. Apparently it is needed to keep nosy people out of your engine bay. I did buy something similar, but I don't know if I am going to install it. It kind of messes with the lovely look the nose has.


These are the hinches of the front doors. I had them fitted with brass bushings. They wont budge now, but I hope that when the doors are attached that that will change. The original plastic ones came out in pieces.


These retainers which keeps the hood in place have a very strong spring inside. The old once were rusted and missing the little rubbery things. I bought these for about 8 dollars the pair.


The original logo's of the rear. I have to look if I can paint them nicely one way or another. New they are available, but will cost a fortune, or as they tend to say her 'vale un Potosi' because of the big silvermines in Potosi. These logo's and names are riveted on the cars here, I don't know why, maybe they steal them here?



really liking your thread:Wow1:

how difficult will it be to rebuild the engine there. one of the option we are exploring is the idea of rebuilding our engine when we start our trip, maybe malaysia, indonesia or thailand. we are thinking it maybe cheaper and more mechanic familiar with the toyota 12ht engine.

"Esteban and Caesar starting the engine. It has to warm up a little in order to take the compression. So diesel and a line, batteries, pre-heating and go... Flies like a jet.


The compression on the number two cylinder shows a little weak on the first try. On the second try it did a little better, but still under 20 which it said to be the limit. But being on 4.000 meters you will have a 30-40% lesser output. So all is looking swell"


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
I've always heard good things about Esteban, sounds like you're in good hands?

As someone with a Troopy in the States, I'm watching your progress both in travels as well as restoration with great interest. looks like the frame will certainly need reinforcement in your pictured areas, reminds me why I keep my frames well oiled :)

What kind of voltage are your running in your electrolysis cleaning?


...the idea of rebuilding our engine when we start our trip, maybe malaysia, indonesia or thailand. we are thinking it maybe cheaper and more mechanic familiar with the toyota 12ht engine.

What you must take in consideration is how long you will be in that country. The countries you mention have a one month restriction, and have temperary importation limitations. That would be your first concern. If there is a slight problem in getting parts and you delay your stay, that would be something to think about...


@ Scott - how did you hear about Esteban? I have hooked the electrolyses on a charcher. It is an old Brazilian thing, all the signs have gone, so I wouldn´t have a clue as to what voltage that thing is running... Are you the Scott I think it is? Did we have email contact about Overland Journal once?


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
@ Scott - how did you hear about Esteban?

Actually after re-reading I have the incorrect country! :) I'm thinking of an Esteban elsewhere, a neuron disconnect there.

Are you the Scott I think it is? Did we have email contact about Overland Journal once?

I've been following your travels and I can't say that we have not talked about Overland Journal but I think you may be referring to Scott Brady (expeditionswest)?


I've been following your travels and I can't say that we have not talked about Overland Journal but I think you may be referring to Scott Brady (expeditionswest)?

I think you must be right.. Ooops.

The Motorman interview can be listened to or downloaded here. You will hear me coming in somewhere in the middle...


A few more images of Esteban welding. I does look odd, the whole side panel askew like that. But one blow of the big hammer puts all thing back into perspective.


The overall has to be buttoned up all the way. You don't want any of the little sparks to find their way into your clothes.


Slowly the work is progressing. Utmost concentration here.


I have bough new switches at the electric shop. The old ones [in the background] are sticking out to much and we have lost three plastic ones like that. I have replaced some by metallic levers, but they get switched accidently sometimes and we'd be driving all day with the rear work lights on. So I thought of replacing them by something smaller and also something with a light inside so that it would be obvious when switched on accidently or not.


Mounted the Christmas lights.


Esteban took the left wheel well out. The sidewall of that is also going, because of the big holes in there.


The right side comes along great. Welding is done here. So we'll start sanding soon.


Extra reinforcements in strange shapes. That diagonal piece is to make sure that the mud protectors we bought in Buenos Aires will fit again.


All of a sudden I find this in my view. The popular short version. They like it here to pimp those. I must say I don't object to the color scheme, but I personally don't like those wide tyres. Neither the window wind deflectors, the big exhaust pipe and least of all the big wing on the top with a third brake light in it. Preposterous. But that is my personal opinion.


more to come soon...


2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
...I personally don't like those wide tyres. Neither the window wind deflectors, the big exhaust pipe and least of all the big wing on the top with a third brake light in it. Preposterous. But that is my personal opinion.


Pray you never have to visit Cruise Moab and watch most FJ40s (or any other 4WD) ride nominally on 12-14" wide tires :)


I thought it would be nice to visit Moab some day... :)

I have to do some shopping in the car parts neighborhood and I took my camera. First I have to get something soldered at the radiator specialist. He is doing something that is quite normal here in Bolivia; killing the catalytic converter. I don't have the official numbers, but I guess about 95% of the cars here are parallel imported from Japan and so they contain a catalytic converter. But the gasoline quality in Bolivia isn't top-notch so to say and the thing get clogged, rusted and starts to heat up. The local solution is either to replace it by a tube, or to take out the inside [it looks like a ceramic filter]. With the last option, at least the sensors keep working and you won't have to look at a red light in your dashboard.


Street shops I call them. Very normal here. No space and money to own a real workshop so they take it on the street. Cheap, cheap. Borrow the neighbors jack and quickly install the car on wooden blocks.


Those 95% of the cars whom I said came from Japan, can't officially hit the street with their steering wheels sitting on the right side. Like we have seen in Paraguay, also here they have a whole industrie of little shops that make the conversion.


The steering wheel is already in place and the dash is gone to be cut into pieces and plastic welded they other way around. Cables have to be rerouted. Sometimes you come across the cheap operation where the dials are still on the right side while the steering wheel sits left.


These Japanese modified cars are known here as Transformers, after the famous cartoons of the 80's. Real funny to see their logo's on these cars.


Of course with a fully kitted car you need some sound. These are guaranteed to deliver. I you hit the streets with these, every single car alarm will go of. These are airbrushed they old fashioned way with a small blowpipe.


Ten dollars a piece! But then they are custom fitted while you wait. I am still thinking about a color... :)




Okay, I've been busy in my favorite drawing program. The result; a dark cover for the spare tire that will be on the new carrier on the left back door. I am still looking for a nice fuel tank that would fit under the Cruiser.


New Cruiser, new signing. Apart from some new friends on the top, I will revamp the lettering on the side and I've designed a clearer world map. Some text will be in Spanish also. What do you think?


Esteban is welding new support beam on the underside of the Land Cruiser. The floor is getting more straight by the day.


The beams under our feet were gone and so were the cushions that go between the floor and the frame.


Downtown San Pedro. Every street has at least six part shops. In my whole life I have never visited more shops that I have in the last few weeks.


My favorite Toyota parts shop. This is not the official dealer, but sells parts direct from the Toyota supplier. So I can buy a Master Clutch from Aisin for 30% of the retail price because the logo is filed off.


Here is something to show you my love for SS [Stainless Steel]. These bolts come from the front where the winch is mounted. They have been there for seven or more years [I don't know how long they have been there before I bought the car] and when I cleaned them this is how they look. I tell you, it looks a whole lot better than the normal bolt that sat just next to it. I had to trow that one away. The heart showing in the bolt symbolises my love for SS.


Outside I spot yet another old Land Cruiser. In this case an early model. It is sporting an first generation tire carrier on the back door. I don't know if this signing is original but if so, than Toyota hasn't changed it, because as of today the new Land Cruisers sitting in the dealers showroom show the same style striping. The Jesus on the back door shows that we are in Latin America.


Nice old school mirrors. All in all this Land Cruiser is looking very good for it's age. I keep on thinking about a bull bar, but I think this is a bit much.


The owner is very careful with his Toyota. He chained the steering wheel to the floor.



more images from last week;

Most beetles in South America come from Brasil and often sport the name Fusca or Fuska [Brazilian for beetle] this while nobody here knows that meaning. Funny. Here we see an exceptional model, somebody has been very creative with the grinder.


The guys at Toshimbol have been very helpful in getting me an original complete engine gasket set for 200 USD. It arrives the next day by airplane from somewhere. That same thing would take the dealer 30 days to get from Japan and would set met back a whopping 450 USD!


Looks real... I think how difficult would it be to fake a label like that, but the guys insure me, that it would be very difficult????


The 3B [our trusty diesel engine] is stamped on the head gasket. Pure metal quality I must say.


This is how they show off to let you see from how many layers of metal this is made.


This is how the whole kit looks like. Most things I can recognize at once, especially the bigger parts.


The smaller parts keep me guessing. But I will figure it out one way or another.


tomorrow more... Coen


Karin-Marijke is busy sanding the wooden parts that we will use again on the inside of the truck. Besides that, she is occupied with writing her book that takes a good shape these days. I have been honored by proofreading the first few chapters.


During one of my many shopping tours I stand eye to eye with the BBC's Top Gear Land Cruiser. It is sitting somewhere in a shop. All the materials they used in the makeover in La Paz they had flown in from the US and England. The Toyota is still property of the BBC and I couldn't buy any part of it. A shame don't you think...


The cockpit of the BBC Cruiser.


I bought a big original Aisin clutch disc for 50 USD!


The pressure plate shows an impressive 220 after more than seven years on the road [I think even more than ten years, but I not sure how long that thing has been sitting in there?]


But when I spot a new Aisin clutch cover for 100 USD, I don't have to think very long. I won't take that risk. The engine is out and it is very simple to replace it now. When I reuse the old cover, it could sit there for a good time, but if it fails somewhere down the road, I would have to take the engine out yet another time.


Meanwhile Esteban is busy getting the tub in ship shape. Everything by hand and scissor. Real handiwork.


More soon, if you like?

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