I fear that those that knock flux core are like those that knock Vodka.
Likely that the only example they have tried is bottom shelf, specifically the wire itself.
Correct prep, and good wire an there is VERY little spatter
Hand down the best tool investment I have made to date is my Lincoln 135+ I purchased it new in 2005 for around $500 as I recall.
Sure, its capable of running shielding gas, but even after running 500+lbs of wire thru it.... Ive stuck to flux core for it.
For the most part, it has run .030 Lincoln brand flux core wire. I tried a roll or two of other brands over the years, and they simply didnt compare.
Just incredible the things Ive built over the years with it. And being 110V, its light enough and plenty easy to run it off of a good extension cord to get anywhere.
There is literally ZERO regrets with this machine. Its paid for itself likely 10-fold since purchase. Hell, every weld on my current flatbed was done with it!
I'm not one to post photos of welds, but here is one example of flus core on 3/16 steel, single pass.
There are a few dingle-berries, but not much.
Now, as far as cheapo welders go.... I will say this...
My mom of all people has shown interest in welding.
Simple small hobby/art related welding. Just sticking steel together....
I gave her a few sessions with my lincoln wire feed to make sure she knew what she was getting into.
All things looked good, so I took a chance on a Harbor Freight wire feed. The smallest of their "titanium" line.
Seriously.... its actually a welder

Blew me away. The thing is so small and light weight that it has a shoulder carry strap.
But the test runs I put it thru before wrapping it up as a Xmas gift were impressive.
No idea how long the thing will last, dont even know the rated duty cycle, but out of the box it seems like a legit welder.
Somebody mentioned Primeweld.
I picked this up for myself a few years ago, and used some of my holiday down time to get familiar.
I'm hooked. Its a fantastic machine. I have a handful of aluminum as well as stainless projects Ive been meaning to tackle,
and this machine will help make them happen.