Any way to turn off RSC and traction conrol?


I have a 2012 E250 and would like to be able to turn off the RSC and/or the traction control for off road funness. Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Is there a fuse that can be pulled, or switch added in line to accomplish this?
I've done quite a bit of searching but haven't found any answers.


Detailed RSC info: RSC equipped vans have a special ABS sensor & tone ring that cannot be modified. If you simply unplug the ABS wire, the van will go into a limp mode. You can turn off the RSC system via the button on the dash, but the "service RSC system" message will chime until it drives you mad.

Copy and pasted from the Ujoint website in the information about the axles that are offered. Sorry that is all I know about RSC in the E series.

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Hasn't mgmetalworks figured this one out already? ;)

Sort of... The theory is solid, I have all of the parts and files to prove that Advancetrac/RSC can be removed from the van, just haven't had time to do the parts swap and module re-programming.

I'm still trying to think of a way to just turn it off (instead of stripping the system out of the van) but I haven't gotten very far with that yet.


Thanks for the replies. On my van (2012 4.6) the botton on the dash only turns off traction control up to 20 mph. Below 20 tc is off but I cannot slide the van at all without the rsc system stopping the fun.
I'm curious what the "limp mode" is and if it effects all versions the same way. I might have to pull some fuses and find out.

plumber mike

Oh boy how I feel your guys pain. When I bought my express the salesman said I could turn it off. Let's just say we had a nice conversation about "momentarily disable" and "OFF" and how those terms are different. one was willing to help me......almost sold the van, and then someone recommended pulling the abs fuses. I understand the ford is different, but if you are as desperate as I was, it might warrant further review.

A bunch of lights on the dash, but I no longer have the problem of the van applying the brakes when I'm pushing on the gas. Very dangerous IMO.

Now if I could only find some info on the TPMS. Last new anything for me. Hope it lasts while I build up the old one.


Tpms, that's another hurdle for me. I will be putting new wheels and tires on and need an option to turn that nanny light off. I'll be pulling fuses this weekend to see what happens work the rsc. I'll update with results.


New member
I know this is an old thread, but I just picked up a nice 2009 E350, and the TPMS sensors just wouldn't "reset". And, the RSC was (IMHO) way too sensitive. I've been driving 1-ton vans on windy roads for 30 years, but this thing would apply the brakes, kill the throttle, and just basically be a giant pain in my *** during my "normal" commute.

Just before our first long road trip with the van, I swapped wheels, and tossed to stock rims, with the "not working anyway" TPMS sensors in the backyard, in my "deal with it later" pile. And much to my surprise, the RSC nanny is gone! The ABS still works the Traction control still functions, but no more RSC. Yeah, the TPMS light still flashes, but I got the "cheapo" version of the van, no message center.

Couldn't be happier, next time the dash is out, I'll just cover the TPMS light, and life will be good.


Update to an old thread. RSC, traction control, and ABS can be disabled by unplugging the right rear wheel sensor. Just went for a ride to confirm. You will have 3 lights on on your dash when you unplug the sensor.
Now to wire a switch in line so I can turn it off at will.


Or just call Action Vans in San Clemente, they make a module that disables it without any warning lights. I believe it interrupts the steering wheel angle sensor.

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