Bigassgas Explorer
It looks like a bargain on the surface, and it maybe for some, but by the time you add all the extras then figure the truck freight across country from Georgia to the Southwest you still have a $1200 to $1500 bumper at the end of the day. If you get an ARB through 4 Wheel Parts many times you don’t pay anything for truck freight depending on what deals they are running at the time and how close you are to a 4WP location to pick up the bumper.
I toured Kennesaw Mountain bumpers years ago when I was in the Atlanta area on business. They were operating out of a little crude looking weld shop next to a towing company at the time but their bumpers did look well built. They are certainly another consideration. It all boils down to which bumper you like best because in real money they are going to cost about the same.
I toured Kennesaw Mountain bumpers years ago when I was in the Atlanta area on business. They were operating out of a little crude looking weld shop next to a towing company at the time but their bumpers did look well built. They are certainly another consideration. It all boils down to which bumper you like best because in real money they are going to cost about the same.