Anybody using Kamaz?


New member
I'm new here, so just though I'd say hey! HEY!
Does anyone know how to go about getting parts for a Kamaz?
I spend a lot of time in Russia, and went in with my brother-in-law there to get a Kamaz 4326
(the 4X4)
We've used it quite a bit there, (St. Petersburg to Vladivostok and back, and one trip up the Lena River from Yakutsk) and want to bring it here. I've figured out all the customs business, and just want to see how to get parts here.
Thanks for any info!


Spamicus Eliminatus
Visions of the Road of Bones to Magadan dancing in my head... impressive machines, but I have never seen one in person.


Those are simply awesome vehicles, they make a mog look like dinky toy. In all my time around euro trucks I have never come across a Kamaz parts supplier, I have come across odds and ends but never a proper supplier.

To ease the pain of importing things from Russia, you are probably better off finding a parts supplier in Europe and buying from them. The shipping will make the parts more expensive and big stuff may get tangled up in customs.

I'll ask around to see if anybody I know in the mog and euro truck groups has any ideas.

Welcome to Expo.



New member
Sorry, but it's comming in through Baltimore (from St. Pete) so not going to be in California anytime soon. As to parts, I know I can get them shipped from Russia, but getting anything here is a royal pain in the #$%! (by the way, it took me it took me 6 months just to track down someone who knew how to get it OUT of Russia). Haven't actually got it on the boat yet, I'm trying to figure out some more details first; i.e. part supply. So, I'm just looking to find a source here (or Canada, or Western Europe), rather than having to wait a month and a half just to change the glow plugs or fix a cracked windshield. I'll have to get my brother to send some pics for you all.


New member
Ok, here's the story, I talked to my brother to get some pics. Evidently, he was goofing of downloading some music (totaly legal of course;) ) and gets a virus. Good bye photos (and everything else). But he still had some from before we built it up on an old CD. Now, how do I post them?


New member
All right! We've found some pics! He had some left on the camera. I got them attached, so take a look! The box is actually an old refrigerated unit, so the insulation is great (very nice for the Yakutsk-Arctic trip!)! I had the windows put in cause it felt like being inside a safe. After this pic, we put a cargo basket on the cab roof, and my brother found some Finnish ex-military winch he want's to put on the front. As to parts, I reciently found, Kamaz made a deal with Cummins to get engines for the same motor mounts! Give me a couple months to round up the $4000 and US, here we come!


:drool: That is one sweet looking vehicle, I can't wait to see what you do with it once you get it over here in the states.


New member
I don't know if anyone is interested, but we got that one (the chassis) for about $9000 new back in '94. I've pretty well got it figured out how to get them here, so if anyone is would like...
Word of warning, diesel is a lot cheaper in Russia than it is here, and the 4326only get about 13 mpg, (on a good day!). Convert it to run on fast food oil though...
the dakar video was like watching a stampeding blue elephant.

...and whodathunk you could huck a...what, five ton truck? :D


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